Chapter 6 Dakota

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Then I had a strange feeling that someone was watching me. I turned around and saw a little girl. She was almost transparent. She locked eyes with me and started going upstairs. I know I shouldn't have, but I did anyway. I turned around completely and followed her up the stairs. When I got up the stairs she was gone.

"Dakota..." It sounded like an old woman's voice. It was weak and raspy.

"Dakota..." It was filled with pain. It sent shivers through my whole body. Her voice came from the door at the far end of the hall.

"Dakota..." I started going towards the door.

"Dakota!" The voice started to sound even angrier. I set my hand on the doorknob and started to turn it.

"Dakota!!" I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in my sleeping bag and everyone else was in their sleeping bags. I looked up and saw Beth standing next to me.

"About time you woke up. You were making noises in your sleep. You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Great now can you shut up! The rest of us need to sleep."


She grumbled something and stomped off and laid back down in her sleeping bag. That's the thing about Beth. If she doesn't get enough sleep she could be a bit grouchy, but who isn't right? I got up and grabbed some clothes and took a shower. When I went downstairs everyone was awake.

"Hey Dakota!" I saw Perla go past me.

"Oh hey!"

"Do you want breakfast?" I turned and saw Kenzie in front of me.

"Depends. What's for breakfast?"


"Well then yes please."

"Coming right up!" With that Kenzie sped off towards the kitchen. I started to walk when I ran into Jazmine.

"Hey Dakota, just so you know Ashley went home. I don't know why though I think she just needed a break after last night."

"Yeah I believe it. I know that if-"

"DO WAFFLES GROWL?!" Someone screamed. Jazmine ran off to the kitchen then she shouted.

"Julie we need you." Julie got off the couch and ran into the kitchen. I followed her. I looked at the waffles they looked normal.

"Here I'll try one." I reached for one. When my hand was almost on one it barked. I yanked my hand back and everyone jumped. "Last time I checked waffles don't bark at people." Suddenly the room felt different. Uneasiness Washed over me, and the feeling that I was being watched soon followed. Then I heard a voice. It sounded weak and raspy. It was a voice I recognized. The old woman's voice from my dream.

"You shouldn't have come here. You can try to escape, but you won't succeed. Help me and I will let you live." The voice disappeared and with it the uneasiness.

"What was that?"

"Let's investigate!"

"Let's not." Everyone started fighting about what we should do.

"We could be heroes!"

"Have you seen any horror movies that were ever made? Any time the people got curious they died. We should just leave and stay alive!"

"I don't want to die!"

"We won't die!"

"Uhh guys?" Everyone looked at me. "Where's Alexis?" Everyone looked around and started freaking out.

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