Chapter 33 London

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1 Week Later.

We stood in front of the others. There had to be hundreds of us here at her funeral. We had a large funeral for everyone we lost during the battle earlier, but Charlotte's was separate. She deserved that. Though the coffin was empty and she was gone, I still felt her presence near me. Everywhere I went, I felt she was next to me. The sun tried to dry my tears as they went down my face, but they kept coming. There was a light breeze going causing me to pull her leather jacket closer to me. Brenda had found one of the many Charlotte had and gave it to me. It still smelt like her. I felt empty. Like life had lost it's purpose. I looked next to me Brooklyn and Val were holding each other, crying. Maggie was crying and hugging Brenda and Sean. Here I stood surrounded by people, but I've never felt more alone. Slowly people left. At the end of the funeral when everyone was gone I walked up to her grave and knelt down in front of it so I could talk to her.

"I miss you, a lot. I miss your sarcasm and I miss your smile, and your eyes." I stopped as I took a breath trying to fight the tears. "Why did you do it Char? Brenda told me how you knew what would happen, so why didn't you fall back? I mean I know if you didn't not all of the army would have been destroyed, but now I'm sitting here talking to a stone with your name on it with an empty box under it. You don't know how bad this feels." I started to bawl my eyes out. After a while I went numb and just started to speak what was going on in my mind. "Char, isn't it funny how naive I was at the start of all of this? I mean I came here for a horror book and get pulled into some crazy story filled with vampires, werewolves, and ghost. I found out I had powers, and I even fell in love." I laid down and looked at her grave before looking up to the sky. "I never saw this coming. You've changed me Char, for better or for worse I'm not quite sure, but I have a feeling it was for the good. I should probably tell you Brooklyn and Val left, not just like the funeral, but they're not humans anymore. Whatever made them human stopped working and they left." I stopped again hoping the next thing I was about to say wouldn't hurt as much as it did before. It did. "So am I. I'm going back home, to publish this whole thing, but instead I'm going to give us a happy ending okay?" I started to cry again. I sat up and caught my tears in my lap. "I don't think I'm coming back Char. I-I love you." I whispered the last sentence. I stood up and prepared to leave the town. I couldn't forget anything, because even if i did. I wasn't coming back. Ever.

3 Months Later.

Ring, Ring.

It was probably another congratulations. I published what had happened while I was at the house. The diary and the un-human things. The battle. The love story. The book did better than I thought it would, not only did it make enough money to save the business, but for now we should be good for another 6 months.

Ring, Ring.

I answered the phone.

"Hello this is-"



"We have a problem."

"What? What's going on? How are you back? Are you okay?"

"Remember how I told you Val and I would be back?"


"We're back."

"Okay? Why and how though?"

"Well that's a long story. We all are waiting for you, and I mean all of us."

"What do you mean?"

A man's voice answered instead of Brooklyn's.

"Hello, is this London?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"My name is Jason. I'm Charlotte's father, I think we should talk, it's about Charlotte. I think I know how to bring her back."

The End

For Now

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