Chapter 29 Dakota

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We won. We actually won. Twilla was all bloody and beat up. After we had finished talking to Charlotte and Val, Twilla turned herself human and attacked us. Leading us to where we are now. One bloody Twilla and a truly pissed off Charlotte.

"Twilla my parents are gone because of you."

"Well, say hi to them for me."

"Wha-" Before Charlotte could finish her sentence Twilla shot a ball of magic at her. Right before she was hit she was pushed out of the way. A high pitched scream filled the room. Charlotte zoomed up to Twilla and stuck a piece of glass into her chest where her heart was. Twilla screamed and disappeared. A white light appeared where she stood. I looked to where Charlotte previously was. There laid Brooklyn with her hand on her abdomen.  Charlotte rushed to her and moved her hand. There was a pool of blood forming on her shirt. I watched from where I stood. I never saw anything as sad as this. Charlotte was holding Brooklyn in her arms crying. Brooklyn's breath was getting shorter and shorter.

"Char...You. You have to let me go."

"I...I can't!"

"I will always love you."

"Brook! Don't leave me! I need you!"

"You'll be fine. You're a vampire remember?"

"You're the only family I have left!"

"Char, promise me you will help anyone who needs your help and you will protect others who are too weak to protect themselves and most importantly keep people away from this house."

"I promise." Charlotte started to cry a bit harder.

"CharI know this is hard, but." She paused and started to smile. "Char," She leaned in and Brooklyn whispered something into her ear. I didn't know what she said, but it hit Charlotte hard, she started to cry again.


"Yeah?" Brooklyn took her hand.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Brooklyn's head fell and Charlotte was fighting tears. "Brook?" She waited for a response. When Brooklyn didn't move, she started to lightly shake her. "Brook?!" Still nothing. "Brook!"

"Char." Valarie called out. We both looked at her. Standing next to her was Brooklyn she was a ghost again. She ran up to Charlotte and went to gave her a hug. "Brook, it's time for us to go." Brooklyn slowly stood up and started running to Val. Charlotte's hand was still in the air reaching out for Brooklyn. Brook grabbed Val's hand. They both turned around and waved goodbye. "Don't worry Charlotte I'll take good care of her." With that they faced the white light. I didn't know what to do. Val and Brook looked at each other, nodded, and ran into the light. Then it disappeared. Tears slowly started to run down her face. Then she whispered something I couldn't hear.

"What did you say?"

"It doesn't matter." She ran out of the room.

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