Chapter 12 London

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Maggie entered the car and threw the things she bought in the back seats.

"London, I'm really sorry and-" I cut her off and smiled.

"It's fine Maggie, but I have a question." She looked at me and nodded her head indicating that I could ask as she started the car up and started to drive. "Are you going to get a priest to pray over you because child you need Jesus." I asked her laughing. "Haven't you heard Maggie? Vampires have a very good sense of smell, they can smell your un-holiness, you sinner!" We both started laughing like mad-women. "You nasty!" We started crying we were laughing so hard.

"Me nasty? I doubt that, you however, I would believe that." We made jokes the rest of the way home about catching vampires and being unholy. We got to the house and started to set up our trap. I grabbed one of the bibles and held it upside down pretending to read it causing Maggie to laugh. She took it away and we finished building the trap. "London, what happens next in the diary?" I looked at her and told her everything that I read.

"By the way Maggie, what took you so long?"

"Oh, this guy was talking to me and I forgot that you were waiting in the car. When I remembered I told him I had to go and then he gave me his number."

"Oh well thanks Maggie, I forget about you too." I said sarcastically.

"You want to text him and make him think I'm crazy?" I smiled at her.

"I thought you would never ask."

1 Hour Later

"I can't believe he said that!"

"I know right?" We both started laughing. She looked around and then at me. "Why haven't we caught a vampire yet?"

"I don't know maybe because everything that could hurt a vampire is down here or better yet this could all be fake like a tv show or something like that." She jumped up and gasped.

"Garlic! If we put it upstairs it will force the vampire down here! I'm going to go get some do you want to stay here or come with me?" I saw what looked like was a girl on the stairs. I looked over and I saw a flash of black.

"Uhh I'm going to stay here maybe write part of my book."

"Are you sure?" I nodded my head. She grabbed her stuff and started to leave. She looked at me. "If you need anything you better text me." I nodded my head and smiled. As soon as she left I took a deep breath and relaxed.

"Come out now." My voice echoed through the house. "I know you're there." I waited. "Fine don't talk just listen." I looked for anything different. Nothing. "Charlotte, right? That's your name, isn't it?" Still nothing. "I must be going crazy there's no way this could work. Hey, my name is London."

"I know." I looked around startled that I got an answer, but I couldn't see her.

"Where are you?"

"Why would I reveal myself to you? I don't trust you." I felt her. Her presence changed the room everything was amazing, but confusing. She made the room become...I don't know how to explain it. All my thoughts were confused. "But yet again I don't need to trust you."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't need to trust you because I know who you are going to become."

"First off, what the hell are you talking about, how do you know who I am? Secondly, where the hell are you?"

"Well firstly, I was just kidding and secondly I'm not revealing myself do I look stupid to you?"

"Hmm, I don't know if I could see you maybe I would be able to answer you better."

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