Chapter 23 London

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I don't know where I was, I just knew that I was in the middle of the field. I looked down at my hands and started to focus. The light returned. Now to figure out what I could do. I put both hands towards the sky shooting light into the sky almost like a firework, until it blew up and started raining blue fire. I put both of my hands in front of me shooting out a small tornado. I pointed my right hand towards all of the small flames sending it to them to suck them up and put them out. I called it back to me and then I put it out. I heard footsteps and knew who it was.

"What do you want?"

"To talk."

"Haven't we done enough of that already?"

"I don't think so,"

"Then what do you want to talk about?" I turned around and faced Charlotte. I couldn't help, but glare at her, my anger returning from earlier before.

"Let's start off with why you're so mad."

"If you don't know then that sucks for you."

"What the hell has happened to you London? You act like you're royalty now, but it's just magic Princess nothing more."

"Go to hell Char!" I turned away and started to walk deeper into the dark field. I felt Charlotte grab my wrist and pull me causing me to look at her. She was closer than I would have expected her to be.

"What's going on London?" I looked into her eyes. They seemed so soft. Like she was trying to calm me down with just her gaze.

"Because I like you Char," I whispered to her. She just stared at me.

"Well then learn not to." She said as she released my wrist. "I know what you're thinking, and no I'm not trying to be mean, but I can't love."

"And why is that?"

"Because not only am I a danger, but I forgot how."

"Then let me teach you."

"Uhhh, let me think about it. No, and in case you didn't hear me the first time I'm a danger so sorry I can't."

"How the hell are you a danger?"

"First off, I got those kids killed I couldn't save them. Secondly, I almost got you killed by not being able to get away from Sarah causing you to get shot and we end up here."

"So you can't love because you're a danger?"

"Yes. If I hadn't gotten those kids killed then maybe, but I did so no. I know what you're thinking London, no you're not going to try to teach me to love. Plus I can't love you, because you are the hero and I'm just the protector. If you die it will ruin the prophecy." This stupid prophecy again. Hearing about the prophecy made me upset. My whole life is now planned out for me because of it. She turned away from me causing my anger to rise because she wouldn't even look at me.

"You don't know what I'm thinking so don't try to act like you do! When have you ever known what I was thinking? You know you can't always push people away Char, someone will always care about you whether you like it or not!" I walked up next to her and yanked on her shoulder forcing her to face me. "You're such a coward you know that? I know why you're really doing this, and I know it's not because of those kids or me being the hero so stop acting like it, why don't you just say it Char?" I paused and took a breath. I knew she was doing this because she was scared of what she was feeling. I knew this because I was too. Speaking softly to her I asked her again letting my pain travel through my words. "Why don't you just say it Char?"

"...Because there is nothing to say..." I felt tears start to fall down my face as sadness flowed over me like a large river cooling my body from the blaze it was once set to. There was no longer any beauty in the night sky that I could see. The once bright stars that were scattered across the sky had seemed to be taken over by dark gloomy clouds. I heard Charlotte take a step towards me so I took a step back. I turned away from her trying to hide my tears and muffle my sobs. I felt her hand on my shoulder and all of my emotions became mixed. Fire fought water within me trying to claim dominance on what I should feel. I was swept into a hurricane of emotions and I didn't feel like fighting any of them, I simply let the hurricane push me this way and that on what to do. I felt Charlotte start to pull me towards her to hug me I stopped crying and decided to hold nothing back. If she put me in this hurricane, then she deserved to be in it to except of feeling anger, betrayal and sadness she should feel stupid for doing this and upset for putting me here and doing this. I turned around as quickly as I could and my gaze snapped to her. I pulled back my hand and slapped her right cheek causing her face to go to the left. She didn't try to fight me she just let me take out my rage on her which only made me even angrier.

"You know what I hate you! I always have, because you're a stupid vampire! You're so stupid and weak that you let those kids and their instructors die! If you were so smart you wouldn't have taken me to Sean's bar! And you know what?! If I were you I would have saved my sister and best friend instead of watching them die in front of me!" As soon as I said it, I knew I crossed the line. She looked at me with pain on her face that weighed down her lips into a frown. Soon she regained her composure and anger washed down her face, taking over her eyes before reaching her mouth making it go into a straight line. She started walking towards me. With every step she took forward I took two backwards. Eventually she caught up to me. She stepped up in front of me and leaned forward, stopping next to my ear.

"At least I'm not a pathetic excuse of a human much less a writer who can't write anything because she is too wrapped up in her love stories and fairytales that are never going to happen to do any real work." She turned and started to walk away.

"Fight me!" I yelled. She stopped walking and turned to face me.

"You don't want me to."

"Then why did I tell you to?"

"You really want to do this?" I nodded my head in response. "Alright then let's do this."

"What's going on here?" I looked over to where the voice was coming from. There stood Brenda, Maggie, and Sean. Camilla decided to answer for me.

"She wants me to fight her, so I'm going to."

"You better not! She's my best friend!" Maggie yelled.

"It's alright Maggie you just watch me beat this old vampire." I put my two hands towards the ground and pulled up causing a large platform to come out of the ground. "You ready two fangs?" Charlotte glared at me and nodded her head. Here we go. Watch yourself Char because I'm about to kick your ass.

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