Chapter 11 Dakota

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"Here's the plan, first we get Brook." Val looked at Charlotte.

"I can take care of that." Her gaze shifted towards the stairs. "That will be the easy part."

"Umm-I really want to, but I just- I'm having trouble trusting certain people who love transfusions with their mouth." Emily spoke softly while looking at Carm.

"If I wanted to eat you I would have by now, plus you probably have some type of blood dis-"

"Charlotte!" She looked at Val. "Focus and be nice. Anyways, once we have Brook we need to summon Twilla."

"Isn't she bound to the house?" Brisa asked while looking around her.


"So why do we have to summon her if she's already here?"

"Well she is in her spirit form she can talk, make some things move and mess with you guys all she wants, but until she reveals herself we can't do anything back."

"Okay makes sense so how do we summon her?"

"Are we seriously considering this?' We turned and looked at Beth, she didn't seem so keen on the idea.

"We don't have a choice, we have to get out of here and they can get us out of here also-"

"Try, we can try to get you out of here." We all turned back around and faced Valerie.


"We said we could try to get you out of here."

"Why just try?"

"Were you even listening to my story of my family being killed why would she spare you?" She yelled as she jumped up. The guard and I all went quiet and looked at each other, we didn't want to die. "See I told you they were just a waste of time." Carm yelled at Val and with a gust of wind disappeared.

"Please just think about it, I have to go calm her down." With that Valerie disappeared as well.

"What do we do now?" I turned and faced the guard. I chuckled softly and started shaking my head.

"I have no idea."

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