Chapter 20 London

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  I could hear people talking, but I couldn't tell what they were saying. My head was throbbing and I felt like I was going to throw up. I slowly opened my eyes and was met by a bright light. I quickly shut my eyes and threw my hand up in front of them to help block the light. I slowly opened my eyes again, letting them adjust to the light. When I could finally see I looked around and tried to remember what had happened and figure out where I was. I was in a room with dark wood walls and a light wood floor. I sat up and found out that I was on a bed, there was barely enough room to fit just me on it. I stood up and walked away from the bed towards the door and pressed me ear to it. The voices were louder and I could tell who they were. It was Charlotte and Brenda. I still couldn't make out what they were saying though. I lowered myself downwards so I could see between the space of the door and the floor. I looked around and I didn't see anybody near the door. I stood back up and slowly turned the doorknob not wanting to disturb their conversation and possibly even hear a part of it. When the knob wouldn't turn anymore, I slowly pulled open the door and stuck my head out. I looked around and only saw a dark hallway. I took a step out and slightly closed the door behind me, I left it cracked so if I had to I could sneak back in faster than it took me to get out. Towards my right I saw light coming from where I assumed was downstairs. I slowly crept towards the light. As I got closer I saw a descent of stairs. I squatted to get lower without walking down them. I could now hear Charlotte and Brenda weren't just talking, but it sounded like they were fighting.

"Are you stupid? We had to go and save you, the only reason we got away was because Sean came and helped us after Sarah knocked out London. Face it Carm you're not strong enough to fight her on your own." So that's what happened. Sarah hit me with a spell or whatever and knocked me out. "Charlotte do you even hear yourself? You want to leave London to go and try to kill Sarah, are you trying to die?!" Oh god Charlotte wants to go after her.

"Shut up! You're going to wake her up! And yes I know it's risky, but I'll be fine, I promise."

"Charlotte what have I told you, never make promises you can't keep, and secondly you can't leave she needs you." I heard a phone ring and Brenda answered it. "Hello? Yeah...yeah, okay yeah I'll be there in a sec, okay yep see you there, bye." There was a bit of silence then she continued to talk. "Char I need to go this is an emergency, just don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." There was a whooshing sound followed by silence. This was clearly the time to make my presence known. I stood up and started to walk down the stairs, but I tripped and started to fall I shut my eyes hoping that would make it hurt less. I felt a pair of arms catch me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Char looking at me with no true emotion written on her face. She put me down and walked down the stairs, so I followed her to the bottom of the stairs and stopped to try to piece together where we were. Downstairs was the same style as the room upstairs was, except there was a black couch and two chairs in what I assumed was the living room as well as unlike the staircase it was lit up. She walked to the other end of the living room to a small door frame with the door stood and turned around to look at me.

"Are you coming?" Instead of answering I walked to where she was and continued to follow her. She led me to a ladder and started to climb. When I reached the top, I felt a soft cool breeze touch my face. I looked around we were on a roof. Charlotte offered me her hand which I took and she pulled me up onto the roof. She sat down and patted next to her indicating that she wanted me to do the same. I sat down and looked at the stars. It was a clear night and they were shining brightly. I looked over at Char. She was staring down at the roof itself. I could tell something was off, but I didn't want to seem nosy.

"Char, what's wrong?" I asked making my voice as soft as I could. She looked at me and flashed a smile that I knew was fake.


"Don't lie to me Char, what's going on?" I kept a soft voice while saying it. Her smile dropped and a straight face took her place

"London, I think that maybe... it would be best if you, hskshsbdidh." She mumbled the last part so that I wouldn't hear.

"What was that Char?"

"I said- 'London, I think that maybe it would be best if you just jdkshb."

"Char speak up!" I said in a slightly more commanding tone.

"I think it would be best if you just left!" I froze.


"London...that spell that Sarah hit you with, if you get hit with a spell that strong again you'll die. You weren't supposed to survive that, it's a miracle that you did." She stopped and looked back at me. "London if you will destroy the prophecy." At that answer I felt anger spread through me, it spreading like a wildfire, igniting my entire body into one giant irruption of anger that would destroy any happiness in its path. Is that the only reason she wanted me to leave was because if I died the prophecy would be ruined? Before I knew what was happening my mouth and body were doing their own thing and I was just like a spectator, simply watching what was happening, trying to keep up with it all.

"You know what Char fuck you and your stupid prophecy!" I stood up and went to the ladder and started to climb down.

"London wait!" I could hear her coming after me causing me to go faster. When I got off the ladder I stormed out to the living room and saw a set of keys sitting on the table. I grabbed them and stormed out the front door hearing Char yelling for me the whole time. The breeze had kicked up into a strong wind. I saw Brenda's car sitting on the driveway. I unlocked it and reached out to grab the handle, but another hand got to it first. I glared at Char as she started to speak. "At least calm down before you go so you don't get hurt." I shook my head at her and chuckled at her, feeling my anger increasing and causing me to go insane.

"I can't believe you..." I breathed out.

"What did I do?" I glared at her.


"All I did was tell you I think you should leave so you wouldn't die because if you did that would destroy the prophecy." I smacked her and she flew back like I had strength to actually do damage to her. I felt a tingling feeling in my hands, causing me to look down at them. They were surrounded by a bright blue light causing me to drop Brenda's keys. Char stood back up at me and started to come towards me. Anger took over again. I pointed my pointer finger at her causing a dark blue light to shoot out of it. The light flew towards Char and it hit her square in the chest. I watched her fly backwards and slam into the house. I started to panic. I bent down and grabbed Brenda's keys and jumped into her car. I backed up and heard Char yell for me. With one last look towards Char I drove away.

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