Chapter 17 London

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It has been two weeks since Charlotte left. Why did she leave? Why did I care? Maggie has been keeping me company though. We finished the journal. Well at least what was left in the journal. Most of the pages after where I stopped reading with Maggie were destroyed by something. Some had water damage, some were torn out, some looked like they were burnt. There was only one way to find out what happened and she wasn't here, but I had a really strong feeling on where to find her and when I did, she was going to get it. I don't care how sorry she was I was going to chew her out so much even she won't be able to do anything, but cry. I grabbed my jacket and left a note for Maggie on where I was going. I opened the door and walked outside the cold breeze helped wake me up. It was still really early. I could tell because the sun was just barely rising. I threw on my jacket and continued walking. The entire time I ran different scenarios that could happen and what I would say in each one. Finally, I found the place I was looking for. I leaned up close to the wall.

"Ingen Tilbakesende." I whispered. The wall opened and I felt a sense of pride wash over me. I was impressed that I was able to remember that. I walked into the secret passage and the door closed behind me. Again it was pitch black so I pulled out my little flashlight that I always carry in my jacket now a days and started working my way through the passage. After about ten minutes of searching I found what I was looking for. I raised my hand to knock on the door, but as soon as my hand touched the door it opened. Why wasn't it locked? I pushed the door the rest of the way and froze. I looked around at the hidden pub or what's left of the pub. Everything was destroyed. The tables were all broken, there was glass shards everywhere, and a whole lot of blood. I heard a small weak cry for help. I walked in slowly and grabbed a broken pool stick, it looked sharp enough to protect me. I followed the quiet noises to the back of the pub where three weeks ago Charlotte, her grandmother, and I all sat. Instead of the table there was a large circle of crosses and in the middle of it was Charlotte's grandmother. I ran towards her and started removing the crosses I threw them behind the bar where Maggie and I hid that night. I ran back to Charlotte's grandmother and helped her up.

"What happened?" I asked her. She seemed weak, but she was still able to stand without help.

"Before I tell you I need to know and I'm fine either way, but do you like Charlotte?" I felt my face go bright red. I tried to make words, but it didn't go too well.

"Dwell I'm uhhh ...uhhhh...what was the question again?" She laughed at me.

"I think that answers my question. Come with me I'll explain the entire thing along the way." With that she started speed walking I followed her through another door that led directly outside. How many doors did this place have? She jumped into this silver 2016 CTS-V Cadillac. I jumped into the passenger side and she hit the gas. When I finally got my seatbelt on she started telling me the story.

"So the night that we had that giant fight at the pub with-"

"With those creepy white pasty guys who wore all black?"

"Yes, they are called Phantoms."


"Yes, now anyways after the fight with the phantoms. We started cleaning up the pub. We had won the fight, of course, but something was off it shouldn't have been as easy as it was to beat them. After a while Charlotte came back which I was surprised because I thought she was with you. She told me what happened, but didn't give me many details, but that's besides the point. You see we had talked for a bit, but then we were attacked and it was only Charlotte and I because everyone else had left to check on the other places where there are more of us." I stared at her waiting for her to continue. "London they took Charlotte..." I looked down at my shoes. I felt my heart shatter. Then I felt anger over take my sadness.

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