Chapter 16 Charlotte

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She grabbed my left hand and rested her right hand on my shoulder. I put my right hand on her waist and we started to dance. A song I didn't completely recognize came on. I wondered what if London was the hero? What would happen? Who is her love... and why couldn't it be me? Who was I kidding I shouldn't think like that. The only reason I know the legend is because I'm the hero's protector. My job is to keep the hero safe not flirt with them, whoever it was. If London was the hero I wouldn't be allowed to do this. I looked down and saw London resting her head on my chest. She looked really tired. I needed to end this dance now or she would pass out from lack of sleep. I let my right hand leave her waist as I spun her she smiled. When she was done spinning I picked her up and carried her to couch. I laid her down and grabbed a blanket and tucked her in with it. I saw her eyes flutter shut. She finally fell asleep. I sighed and smiled. Who knew this girl would be such a hand full. I got up and grabbed my leather jacket and put it on. I walked to the door and was about to open the door when I heard a voice.

"So was she just a game to you?" I turned around and saw London's best friend Maggie.

"No, of course not."

"Then why leave her without saying goodbye? Why leave at all?" I looked at London and sighed.

"It's better for her. Just if she asks you didn't see me okay? I'll be back soon." With that I opened the door and walked out. I never looked back. This was the best thing for London, I told myself. I knew exactly where I needed to go to keep London safe. This is the only way I told myself. Just don't look back and everything will be alright. 

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