Chapter 10 London

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I hopped into the car and buckled up. Maggie started to drive, but instead of going back to the house she started to drive deeper into town.

"Maggie, where are we going?"

"Well we need some supplies, take notes, we need-"

"Hold up, supplies? Okay child you need to calm down, we are not vampire hunting, plus it's a waste of time we are not going to find anything." She stopped waiting for the light to turn green. She looked at me and grinned.

"If we aren't going to find anything why is it such a big deal?" The light turned green and we continued on our way.

"Because that's a waste of money and time!"

"It gives you something to write about! Now, take notes on what we need." I rolled my eyes and found a pen and a receipt to write on. When Maggie makes up her mind there's no changing it.

"Okay go ahead, I'm ready."

"Crosses, holy water, rope, and bibles. I think that's it." I looked at her and chuckled. I started to write everything down when I felt the air change before the conversation even started. It turned cold then Maggie began. "What happens if your dad finds you?" I stopped writing and I looked at her.

"He's in jail now, he can't find me."

"That's what you said last time. Do you remember what happened last time?" Some of the events of that day flashed before me. Screaming and fighting. Cops and blood. The gun and the fear.

"Of course I do," I whispered. I shook the thoughts from my head and went back to finishing the list as I continued to talk to her hoping and praying that it would soon end. "I haven't forgotten and I doubt that I ever will. If he manages to escape again and he finds me, then I don't know. What can I do?! I can't run and hide, he'll find me. I can try to fight back, but with his strength I'll surely lose." I took a breath and set down the pen. My hands were shaking as I felt the fear consume me. Lucky for me, I had already finished the list. I whispered my next sentence because I didn't have the strength to be any louder. "If he comes and if he finds me, I'll deal with it then." I had gotten use to not having him near. Honestly, I had found comfort in knowing he was locked up and was getting what he deserved. One day I will be able to forgive him. I hope. Maggie pulled up to the store and grabbed her purse.

"Do you want to come in or do you need a minute?" I shook my head no and I didn't move. She nodded her head and gave me a hug, I returned it. "I'm sorry for bringing this up London, it's just if you write this book and it becomes very popular there's a chance that it could happen."

"I know, but I wish that I could just forget."

"I understand, I'll be right back. Do you need anything?" I shook my head no. She got out of the car and left. I grabbed the diary and started to read.

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