Chapter 7 London

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"Dude." I looked up at Maggie.


"We are staying in a house where a ghost and a vampire were at."

"We?" I asked.

"Do you really think I would let you stay here alone?"

"No I guess not."

"You shouldn't have to guess, we are best friends after all. Hey are you hungry? Because I know that-"

"You're hungry? I know. You're always hungry."

"Haha, very funny."

"I know, I'm hilarious."

"Let's go eat."

"Okay let me grab my stuff and we can leave." I put on my coat and shoes. I started to leave when I heard Maggie clear her throat. I turned around and saw her holding out the diary towards me.

"Forgetting something?"

"Oh yeah!" I grabbed the diary.

"Oh yeah, I thought so let's go." I followed her out the door and into the car. I buckled up and looked back at the house. I thought I saw someone by the top left window of the house. I rubbed my eyes and looked back at the window. If someone was there they were gone now, but the curtains were moving like someone just closed them. Before I could get out to investigate Maggie started the car and drove away. When we got to the diner we went to the booth at the very back so we could talk without being overheard. We started to talk, but our waitress came and took our order.

"What can I get you two?"

"I'll take the fried chicken with Texas toast."

"For a side?"


"And to drink?"

"Coke." She finished writing Maggie's order and turned to me.

"And for you?"

"The exact same thing."

"Alright coming right up." She sped off and I pulled out the diary and cleared my throat.

"I looked at Valerie-" Maggie slammed her hand down on the diary.


"Your two Cokes." The waitress said, setting down our drinks. "Oh and your food should be ready in about ten minutes."

"Ok thank you."

"No problem." With that she sped off again. Maggie removed her hand from the diary.

"Whisper read this time will ya? I'm pretty sure the entire diner heard you."

"Okay sorry."

"Okay. I'll keep a look out and you just read quietly if you can."

"Okay. You ready?"

"Yeah you?"

"Yep let's do this." 

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