Chapter 5 London

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Knock, knock, knock. I looked up from the diary. Who would be here at...5 o'clock in the morning? Wait 5 o'clock? In the morning? As in I didn't sleep last night. I walked up to the door and opened. I knew instantly who it was. Long blond hair, black glasses. It was my best friend, Maggie.

"Why haven't you answered my text?" She asked me as she let herself in.

"I've been busy." I lifted the diary and showed Maggie. Then I smelt it, God's best gift from heaven itself. Coffee. "You didn't." She smiled at me and revealed two cups of coffee from the side of her bag.

"So now are you going to tell me every single detail of what happened, or do I need to take the coffee and leave?"

"Sit down it's a long story."

"Alright." She sat down on the couch and handed me my coffee. "Okay ready, set, go." I told her everything about the noises, the rooms, and about the diary and what I had read from it. "Well then keep reading."

"I don't know Maggie I didn't sleep at all last night and I-"

"Oh, come on! I brought you coffee! Please?" I looked down at my coffee and then I looked at the diary. I slowly lifted my head and looked at Maggie.

"Fine here we go. Are you ready?"


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