Chapter 18 Brooklyn

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I watched her walk away with Brenda. Then I went to where I was summoned. I appeared upstairs in the Library.

"You called?" She turned around.

"Yes, did you do as you were told?"

"I led the hero and the old woman to her just like you asked." She laughed.

"Perfect, now it is time for the Phantoms to do their job. If everything goes to plan then the old woman and the hero will get attacked and separated, then the hero will stumble into my trap and see her dearest vampire get torchered. Then I will have the vampire be killed, the hero being the fool she is will run to the two fanged freak and while she is checking on the vampire I will kill her." She laughed and turned around. "Look at me do I look okay?" I looked up at her. She wore a black dress with matching black heels and a black mask surrounded her eyes and spread to the edge of her face. She had on a black cloak with red on the inside. Her eyes were dark brown, every time I looked into them I was instantly met with terror and dread that would paralyze me. She had on a deep ruby red colored lipstick. One thing did stand out on her though, her necklace. It looked like a silver shield with a deep purple stone on it. The stone was in the shape of a T. She looked like death itself.

"Yes, you do madam."

"Great!" She rested her hand on her necklace. "I promised you that I would destroy the hero grandmother. Long live the witches." I felt the room get cold, then a form appeared next to the girl who controlled me. I recognized her instantly. Twilla.

"Yes, very good dear now go make grandma proud."

"I will grandmother! You!" She pointed to me. "Come we have some killing to do." Val you better hurry up and come save me, before something bad happens that we all regret.

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