Chapter 32 London

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Sarah walked to the window and started to laugh.

"Grandma we won!" She shot up and ran to the window.

"London, come here. See how powerless your little vampire is." I stood up and walked to the window. When I looked out I saw the army retreating. Everyone was, except for Charlotte. She was running towards the barn and our army was coming towards her from all directions. I heard a very familiar voice in my head.

"London, I'm sorry. Just know you saved the world. Or more accurately my world." I answered her in my head.

"Char, What are you-" A bright light appeared in the sky and came crashing into the ground. Right on our army, and Charlotte. The troops set a flame as did the ground. "Charlotte!" I screamed at the window. Sarah and Twilla stared out the window.

"Oh sh-" I ran out of the barn before I could hear the rest of her sentence.  I went to where I last saw Charlotte. I couldn't find her. I started to call out for her as I saw her army reapproach. Brenda and Sean ran down to where I was. I started to cry and Brenda pulled me into her. Sarah and Twila came out of the barn laughing.

"Well, will you look at that. We thought we lost there for a second, but with the protector dead we can easily kill the hero now." I was pulled away from Brenda and shot up into the air. Twilla and Sarah came up next to me, their magic holding them up. The army started to come back towards us, but a wall of flames separated the army from us five. "Any last words hero?" Twilla asked me. I glared at her.

"You know what fu-" Sarah put her hand over my mouth

"Hey no profanity now." Twila and Sarah started to laugh. Sarah lifted the knife she used on me earlier. "It was nice to meet you hero, but without a protector you will die." She lifted the knife until it was above her head. Before she could move her hand anywhere we heard a voice yell to them. I smiled when I heard who it was and what she said.

"You thought bitch she's my best friend I am her protector, her lifetime protector." Sarah and Twilla turned around and they were jumped on from four people. Maggie was the first person to jump on them as she started to punch Sarah. I started to fall, but I was caught by Dakota. He looked human. Sarah and Twilla fell to the ground with everyone still on them.

"Remember when I told you that I had friends coming? Well here we are." Slowly the four stood up. The first one was of course Maggie then Valerie? What why is she human? Why is she here? Then it was, Brooklyn? What the hell is going on? I thought she was working for Sarah. I looked at the fourth person and didn't recognize them. I leaned towards Dakota.

"who is that?"

"Some family." Brooklyn and Val walked up to me. Brooklyn lifted her hand to me. In it was Sarah's knife. I looked over to Sarah and Twilla.

"You have to end this, and that is the only way." Val told me. I looked back down at Brooklyn. She nodded her head to the hidden question. I grabbed the knife from her hand and walked over to Sarah and Twila. I knelt in between them. Sarah and Twila both looked weak. Sarah looked me dead in the eyes.

"You won't do it, you can't do it." I glared at her. "You know, you're just as weak as that stupid vampi-" She gasped stopping her mid-sentence. She looked down at where I had shoved the knife. I twisted it cutting a larger hole into her abdomen. Blood started to stain her shirt and started to spread to my hand.

"Funny how when people say that we can't do something, they think that it will automatically stop us. If anything it gives us a reason to do it and succeed." I pulled the knife out of her and I looked at her grandmother.

"You're no hero, you're only a monster."  Twila said to me. She tried to move, but she was to beat up to do so. I leaned closer to her that way I could talk quietly making sure no one could  hear me, but her.

"The world made me this way. It has been calloused and cold to me and when I started to really have things go right, this world slapped me in the face and made things go wrong." I shoved the knife into her abdomen. "So I'm sorry for having enough of you and your granddaughter." I stood up and started to walk away when I heard Maggie shout for me to watch out followed by a shooting pain in my leg. I looked down and saw Sarah's knife in my leg. I pulled it out of my leg and looked at Twila. Before I could do anything Maggie grabbed the knife out of my hand and threw the knife at Twila hitting her right between the eyes. I looked at Maggie. She looked at me and nodded her head. The fire wall had put itself out leaving only some patches of land around the fire. Our small group walked back to the army to leave what was our own battlefield. Maggie and I had our arms linked together with Brenda and Dakota on my right and Brooklyn and Val on Maggie's left, the army followed close behind us. I looked to Brenda and asked what I'm sure what the others were thinking.

"What do we do now Brenda?" She looked at me with sad eyes.

"I don't know. I didn't see things panning out like this." We slowed down our walk as did the army giving us more room to talk. They started to break into groups and started to talk indicating that we could talk.

"How did you see this going then?" I asked her, hoping that I could get some answers.

"I saw Charlotte walking out of here with us." I looked out across the battlefield. "To be fair though I didn't see you falling in love with her." I felt our small group look at me with soft eyes. I felt a single tear fall down my face.

"I didn't either." Maggie gave me a hug. "She was tough, but no matter how tough you are you can't take on everything alone eventually you need others to help you out. "We continued to walk. Hoping to forget all that happened. Though deep down we all knew we wouldn't.

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