That Old Machine

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Frisk didn't have much time. They knew they didn't, Sans would be back eventually. They had all their cards here, they just had to play them. "Hey Papyrus, what's in your basement?" They asked, knowing full well what was down there. Sans had given them the key. But the mystery behind the machine was driving them insane, thus the question. "YOU KNOW HUMAN... I DON'T KNOW. SANS NEVER LET ME DOWN THERE AS A BOY.." Undyne and Alphys looked curious. Everything was falling into place. "Wait, wait, you have a mysterious basement that we didn't know about?!"
"I only learned about it myself, I wonder what's down there that Papyrus couldn't see?" Frisk pressed. "That Skeleton and his damned secrets! I'm going down there and finding out!" Papyrus immediately went to his brother's defense. "I KNOW SANS HAS A TENDENCY OF... KEEPING THINGS TO HIMSELF... BUT MAYBE IT'S JUST REALLY OLD AND DANGEROUS?" Undyne rolled her eye and picked up Frisk and Alphys. "Or he could have a secret torture chamber down there! Come on Pap! Aren't you a little curious?" Undyne didn't wait for an answer as she whipped around and ran out, following Frisk's directions.


Frisk had left the door unlocked as they found the switch and flicked it on, revealing a set of wooden stairs, that did in fact look old, and florescent lit purple tile at the bottom of them. Undyne stepped onto the first stair and it creaked threateningly. She didn't seem to care though. She continued her decent, Papyrus behind her as to make sure she didn't mess with Sans things too much. Besides, if there was anything down here as to hint towards what Sans had nightmares about, Papyrus could finally help his brother feel better! Undyne put Alphys and Frisk down as she stepped of the last creaky stair. "... a lab..?" Alphys claws clicked on the tile as she walked over to the desk with the with the weird blueprints. "I-I can't read th-these at all... it's like some sort o-of code.." Undyne walked over and peered at it before starting to go through the drawers. "UNDYNE!"
"Huh... I don't remember taking this... is that the Queen?" The picture had been taken before they went the the surface the first pacifist run, Frisk remembered it well. They'd made... so, so many mistakes since then..


The four continued to look through the album, seeing pictures of Sans in a lab coat with people they didn't recognize. "MY BROTHER WAS A SCIENTIST..?" Papyrus sounded bewildered. "I-I wonder w-why he stopped.." Alphys stammered. Undyne noticed something sticking out of the backflap of the album. "What's this?" She pulled it out. "OH! OH! I DREW THAT! I... THINK? HUH, THE MEMORY IS KINDA BLURRY.." Papyrus scratched at his skull in thought. "I was curious about this thing." Frisk finally spoke up, yanking the curtain out of the way to reveal the very busted up machine. Entire panels were torn off, exposing pipes and wires. A monitor and dials were in the center of the machine. Though this looked like it hadn't been touched in years. Alphys walked up to it. "W-what do you think... this is?" Frisk looked at the blueprints. "Probably whatever is on those. Think you can start it?" Alphys shrugged. "I-I need t-to see if it even functions without us being harmed, first." Alphys started to poke around at the machine, messing with wires and toying with some of the pipes. There even looked to be a slot to insert something, though they didn't know what.


Frisk bounce in place impatiently. They'd been waiting so long for this, they had to stay determined! They cast their gaze towards the stairs. Sans could come back from Grillby's and catch them at any second. They didn't want to hurry Alphys, but they were just so close to knowing what was in there. What this thing was for. There was a loud clunk that made Frisk jump and snap their attention back to Alphys. She figured with her claws nervously. "S-sorry... I think I got it w-working..." She tapped on the metal. "Sweet, Alphy! Now let's see what else that bonehead is hiding!" Alphys ducked away blushing. Papyrus looked uncertain, like he wanted to speak up, but he was also curious too. "O-ok... one s-second..!" Alphys claws sparked with magic as she gently grabbed hold of the dials. The whole machine rumbled and sputtered to life, humming loudly. The once blank monitor showed green text.


Beside it was a loading bar that was filling slowly. Frisk wondered what it was loading in? They all were. They glanced back at the stairs. They had a bit more time.


The four stared at the now loaded screen. Only three things presented itself on the screen.




"Grillby is in on whatever this is?! What the hell!" Undyne snapped immediately. "A-and who is WD Gaster?" Frisk hummed in thought, but came up empty. "Let's just see the files, they can't be too long, right?" They all agreed and turned the dial to Sans name before pressing a button. The screen went black again, then... it was like eyes opening, blinking, looking up blurrily at... a Skeleton? Yes, it was a feminine looking Skeleton with a smile similar to Sans own and translucent and shimmery blue hair. "Greetings, Sans, welcome to Allalla, papyma." She greeted tiredly. Quiet babble replied to her greeting, confusing the four. What made that noise. "Riyoo Bree, we will be taking the boy with the others now." Another Skeleton appeared in the frame, this one much older. Her translucent red hair was faded, her eyelights dull. She picked up Sans, they realized, and carried him away from Bree who was presumably his mother. They... were seeing things from Sans perspective. His past, it seemed. This just got very, very interesting.

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