They that Remain

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Sans bones rattled as he shook from the cold waters. In the dark that had fallen, he could see the glow of fire just above the treeline. His soul gave out another sharp pulse, telling him to leave the water or he would catch hypothermia. He was safe there though, the humans surely couldn't reach him there in the water, right? So he stayed, listening, waiting.

A rustle from the bushes, clearly too loud to be the breeze. Snapping came next and Sans soul jumped with fear. He shuttered and submerged himself the rest of the way, hoping that he hadn't been spotted already. His soul complained again, but he ignored it in favor of looking at the surface of the water for the enemy. He jolted at the splashing of water, the enemy was coming after him. No, no, no! He pushed himself back, deeper into the water. The current could catch him, take him away. He should have thought of that sooner. He pushed himself a little further, he could feel the current pulling at him now, he was almost there! Then he felt a hand grab him and pull him closer to shore.


Sans screamed as he was pulled out of the water, fighting weakly against his attacker. He was freezing cold, scared, and couldn't think straight, his magic was the last thing on his mind. The attacker in question was struggling to hold Sans up. He was injured himself and exhausted from battle, but he couldn't just leave Sans when he made it to the riverbank, he dropped the child then dropped to his knees, grabbing Sans shoulders before the child could flee. "Sans, Sans it's me! Wingdings!" Sans stopped fighting as he registered Wingdings voice, his words. Wingdings was right before him, alive. He had cracks in his face, but he was alive. Just like that he went from fighting him to sobbing into him. Wingdings sighed and returned Sans hug. He was honestly looking for his daughter. He desperately hoped that she had escaped, but thus far Sans was the only one he could find. Wingdings gathered the boy in his arms. He wouldn't find anyone like this. He would have to carry Sans through his search. Wingdings turned to the orange glow. "I'm coming, Amiri."


Gaster searched the surrounding woods for his child, Sans shivering in his arms. The walls of Allhalla were black with soot and ash. The gates were gone, burnt to cinders and the buildings were fairing no better. A red glow still emanated from the otherwise black and skeletal structures. Most had collapsed in on themselves. It was hard to tell what was dust and what was ash, the entire ground inside was littered with both. Sans refused to look from Wingdings shoulder. "Amiri!" Gaster was becoming aware of how bad Sans condition was. His HP was already low and he was prone to sickness. "Amiri!!" Sickness for the likes of Sans meant death. "Amiri!!!" Sans was shivering so violently, how long had he been in that water? "Amiri..." He couldn't stay and search. He had to tend to Sans. He had to trust that she'd escaped with her life and was safe with a Seema, at least until Sans was taken care of. The next monster settlement was at least a days walk from here, he would have to convince Sans to undress and wear his coat so that SOME warmth was getting to his soul. Once Sans was safe amongst friends, he could come back and find Amiri.


Sans was fighting to stay awake as Gaster carried him on a blaster. Gaster was trying to get him to rest, it would help him recover, but he really didn't know what Sans had saw, what sort of trauma the child was going through. It must've been horrific though.. he sighed heavily. He was wounded, exhausted, scared, and Sans wasn't cooperating. He groaned quietly. He wanted his riyoo, he would know what to do... Gaster sighed again. He have to preserve, he could get through this. "Papyma... Seema Spectral would be very disappointed in you for not taking care of yourself.." Sans looked up at Gaster. Sans greatly respected the old Skeleton, so if he wouldn't listen to Gaster himself, he would take into account what she would've told him. "I know things seem bad right now, but it will get better. Try to sleep, Sans. I won't let anything hurt you." The little Skeleton held up shaky hands. "w-what if the humans... come for us..?" Gaster pulled Sans a little closer. "I won't let anything happen to you, Sans. You are Allhalla's future, not to mention my best student." Finally, finally did Sans allow himself to try and sleep.


Sans tried to sleep, but it wasn't easy. Every time he closed his sockets, he saw the humans. Skeletons crumbling to dust. Fire consuming his home. He couldn't tell anymore if the shaking was from fear or sickness, because there was no way he could be cold anymore. Wingdings would try to calm him down by stroking his skull and humming small tunes. Sans figured he'd be ok as long as he had Wingdings with him. So when he and Wingdings made it to a town full of the strangest and most diverse beings ever and tried to LEAVE him there, Sans naturally freaked out. "nonononono, pleasepleaseplease, don't leave me!!!" Wingdings crouched beside him, putting his hands on Sans shoulders. "It's ok, it's ok, it's just for a day or two-" Sans gripped Wingdings sleeves loosely, looking desperate. "n-no, please no, i can't be alone, d-dings no-" Wingdings sighed for the umpteenth time. He wanted to find his daughter.. Sans was truly making that impossible.. then he noticed the tinge of blue in Sans cheekbones. He felt his head and groaned yet again. Sans was running a fever. Of course. "Let's get you properly taken care of, then we can discuss our next steps."

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