That New Machine

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"hm?" Sans signed distractedly as they looked around at the frame of the Lab's first story. "What if I found a way to take it all away." Sans looked at Wingdings. "what do you mean?" Wingdings placed a hand on Sans shoulder as he signed with the other. "What if I could get rid of your bad memories, your ptsd?" Sans laughed quietly. "now that would be a miracle if you could, but i don't think it's possible, dings." Sans admitted. "i've lived with it this long, i'll be fine." Wingdings shook his head. "You are hardly living like this! You hardly sleep and when you do, you are plagued by night terrors. You hardly eat-"
"i've been doing better there. pap has been really good about making me eat." Sans chuckled at Papyrus persistence to share his dinner, thus Sans had started making himself a plate or bowl as well so Papyrus could see he was eating too. "At least let me try and prove you wrong. I can work on it in the basement lab as a personal project." Wingdings requested. Sans shrugged. "do it if you want, i won't stop you."


So Wingdings started his new project in the basement during his downtime. Sans continued to take care of Papyrus and teach him the basics. The sword Retribution was stored in his closet, never to leave that area for the next hundred years that monsterkind would be trapped in the mountain, maybe longer. He no longer had a need for it. "SANS! SANS! SANS! SANTA!" Sans yawned as he lifted up from his attempt to sleep, picking up his new hoodie from the floor as Papyrus ran out his bedroom door. This whole Santa thing was a new tradition in Snowdin, monsters were starting to bear children in the Underground, an entire generation that never got to see the Surface. "HELLO DR. JEFF!!" One of Ragdoll's kittens, now a grown cat, was in their living room, sipping coffee and talking with Wingdings. He'd taken a liking to science and Wingdings allowed him onto his personal project, along with a few other monsters. "Hey Pap! And Sans! How are you both?" Sans chuckled. "going to take pap to see santa for giftmas. you?" Jeff grinned, whiskers twitching eagerly. "Making progress on that machine." Sans fought back the urge to roll his eyelights. "cool, welp good luck!" The brother's left the house.


Good news lifted the entire Underground's spirits. The Queen was pregnant. Sans was excited for her, as was Wingdings. They went to the baby shower where Papyrus made friends with a rough kid named Undyne. Sans could never keep up with the two as they ran around. He was cool with that though, Papyrus was usually pretty good about not getting into trouble. His bro was the coolest. "SAAAAANNNNSSSS!!!!" He watched his bro run towards him and launch himself into Sans lap. "yeah bro?" He asked as if a four, almost five, year old didn't just slam into his chest. "BLASTER RIDE, BLASTER RIDE!!!" Sans quirked a brow. "you and your friend both?" He nodded. "NYEH!"
"did you ask her parents if it was ok?" He started to nod, paused, and shook his head. "NO..." Sans chuckled, rubbing his skull. "go ask, we don't wanna get anyone in trouble, do we?" He shook his head again and slipped out of Sans lap. "I WILL ASK!" Sans leaned back in his seat as his brother took off running again before rubbing the spot where Pap had collided against his ribs.


Sans turned twenty-five. Papyrus turned five. Late the night before Pap's birthday Sans had baked Papyrus a fluffy angel cake, made from scratch, frosted it, then boxed it so it looked like he bought it, just to screw with Papyrus. He would continue to do this for every single one of Papyrus birthday's leading up to present day. Of course, the child was less than impressed with Sans antics. "NYEH! ANOTHER STORE CAKE BROTHER?! WHY CAN'T YOU EVER MAKE ONE HOMEMADE?!" Sans chuckled and shrugged, knowing that whether Pap knew it really was homemade or not, he would enjoy it nonetheless. For breakfast Papyrus got oatmeal with the little dinosaur eggs, to which he was truly delighted about. Sans had maple and brown sugar oatmeal with some ketchup mixed in, said condiment becoming a quick favorite of his. It was after breakfast that there was a swift and repetitive knocking on his door. Wingdings was excited about something. He sighed, standing up to answer the door only for the older Skeleton to pick him up. "We've finished it, Sans! It is done! Now all we need is for you to test it out!"


Wingdings lead Sans to the basement while Grillby watched the birthday boy. "how're you powering it..?" Wingdings smirked. "A prototype of the facility I want to build in Hotland once the Lab is complete." He replied. "oh. so... what do i do? how does this thing work?" Sans looked over the machine, the mechanics of it he could only guess from what he'd seen of Wingdings other machines and knowledge. "Your soul will go in here." Wingdings tapped the a button and a slot opened up. "The machine should download all your memories into it and 'erase' the negative memories... if we did this correctly." Sans shifted in place uneasily. "i don't particularly like the sound of 'if' dings..." Wingdings patted his shoulder. "It WILL work, Sans. Trust me, I know what I'm doing." This wouldn't be the last time Sans was a guinea pig either... there was a reason he could use shortcuts now compared to back then. "ok, ok... i hope this won't take too long, it's pap's birthday you know..."
"It won't take long at all, Sans." Sans pulled out his soul, cracked from the trauma he'd been through, and inserted it into the machine, the door closed and...

The footage cut out, going back to the three names on the screen.

1 chapter left

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