New Command

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Sans was coming back from the front lines as Second Lieutenant of the Royal Army. By now his name had spread far and wide as The Judge, someone to be feared as well as respected, depending on what side you were on. He didn't recognize the Flame Elemental when he returned home. He did however recognize, "wingdings!" No matter how much he'd practiced a more professional greeting for when Wingdings did get back, it was all thrown out the window. The younger soldier all but ditched his sword and armor so that he could lunge at his kin and embrace him. And he sobbed, there was a lot of pent up emotions getting released right then and there and nobody could really blame him. The General picked up Sans things and returned them to Sans living quarters for him. "Sans, Sans.." Wingdings embraced the boy back, more than happy to see him as well. "I apologize for being gone so long and worrying you.." Sans chuckled, albeit strained. "that's ok.. a lot happened while you were gone. more than you would ever believe, wingdings." Wingdings realized quickly that Sans stopped calling him 'Seema'. It somewhat saddened him.


Sans and Wingdings did part eventually, the younger wiping away tears. "How old are you now, Papyma?" Sans smiled up at Wingdings. "i'm eighteen, nineteen in a couple months-" Sans was cut off as little fluffballs attached to his legs. He looked down at the ever cuddly Dune and timid Jeff. "eh, lady ragdoll, i think you're missing a couple of somethings. they've attached themselves to my legs." The fluffy she-cat came to collect her children, apologizing. "Forgive me, they've been eager for you to come home and play with them." Sans crouched down and ruffled each of their heads in turn. "we can play later, ok? i promise."
"Ok!" They both chirped as they ran off to their mom. He chuckled lightly, looking back at Wingdings. "Your common has improved dramatically. I suppose it would with how much time has passed.." Sans shook his head, tutting. "it's fine, really. it was hard at times, but i'm alive. we are both alive and that's all that matters... so is that him? your mate?" Wingdings looked at the Fire Elemental who stepped up and introduced himself as a soldier would. Fist clenched and crossed to where his soul was. "I am Captian Grillby Gaster, at your service."


Sans had learned a great many things as a soldier of the Royal Army and working directly under Relegore, it was drilled deeper into his skull than soldiers from other camps and commands. So naturally he introduced himself in the same way Grillby had. "greetings captain gaster, i am second lieutenant comic sans serif. i look forward to working under you." To say they were both quite shocked was an understatement. Sans in the Royal Army? It was hard to believe with his low stats and untrained magic. "i started my training after you left, to protect everyone here. i've been training in my magic and in swordfighting over these past years and rose the ranks unbelievably quick after i joined the front lines." Sans explained himself quickly. "like i said... a lot has happened since you left." Wingdings grabbed Sans shoulder and gave him a comforting smile. "I can't say whether I like this or not... but you are an adult, so I trust that you know what you are doing." Sans huffed out a laugh. "should i be offended by that? i feel like i should."


Sans brought them to the little place that had been built for him when he'd become a Sargent Major. A single bedroom and bath with a small kitchen, study, and a living room he never used. He was more often than not in his study actually, either reading or writing down reports or Journaling his day. His armor and blade was in his room, likely on his bed, where he hardly ever slept. Honestly he was thinking of just giving it to the Gaster couple. He had a few toys for his young visitors too that he kept in his study as well. "This is your place?" Wingdings noted how untouched the place looked. "yeah.. you guys can take the bedroom." Grillby frowned at Sans. "Don't you need your rest?" Sans chuckled quietly. "i am insomniac. lady ragdoll helps me get good rest when she can." Sans replied as he went to the bedroom to hang up his armor. "Ah... from what I heard, I suppose that makes sense. May I?" Sans glanced at Grillby who was looking at his sword. "yeah, go ahead." Sans consented as he moved out of the room and to the only lived in looking place, his study.


The blade was about two and a half feet long with a black hilt with the deltarune symbol on the end nearest to the blade. "This is nice quality silver. Sharp, double edged." Grillby commented as Wingdings looked at all Sans journals Sans had, starting from the day Wingdings left. "... i didn't want you to miss anything." Sans muttered when Wingdings gave Sans a questioning glance. "I see..." Sans glanced at his Captian. "and thanks, i try to keep my stuff top notch for any situation." Sans flashed a smile towards Wingdings mate. "don't suppose you'd want to duel sometime, eh? i'm always up for a good spar." Grillby looked at Sans. "That would be fun, I'm curious about you. Dings has said many good things about you." Sans snorted and looked at a blushing and embarrassed Wingdings. "dings?" Wingdings groaned. "Please don't start... Grillby already uses that stupid nickname enough." Sans leaned in, grinning. "i don't know, i kinda like dings." Wingdings groaned while Grillby laughed. "See, I'm not the only one!" Sans finally felt relaxed. Sans finally felt at home. Sans finally felt happy. Sans laughed with Grillby as Wingdings smiled.

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