On the Road

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Gaster had to tend to Sans for three weeks before hid fever finally went down and they had to stay with a helpful rabbit couple for a week longer in order for Sans to recover. Most of that time Sans was asleep, allowing for Gaster to slip out and search for his child, but he couldn't find her. If she was still alive, she was long gone from Allhalla. He could only hope she had the same idea to flee to more experienced creatures like the Monsters. For the remaining time, he stayed with Sans, who was new to the world, unlike him. "Where will you be headed next, sir?" It had been awhile since he had to read another's lips, but he was fairly certain of what the rabbit child (one of thirty) said. "I will be going... to find the, what do you call... ah yes, the king. He must... know... of what happened." Gaster replied. His common was a bit rusty. He would have to practice as well as teach Sans if they were going to be living among them. It wouldn't be easy, common was a lot more complex with hundreds of words that were unheard of in their native tongue.


Sometimes Sans walked alongside Wingdings. Sometimes he was carried. The two Skeletons went from town to town, trying to find out where the king resided. Sans slowly got used to the Monsters, though he stuck to Wingdings side like glue. Sans never paid attention to the Seemas conversation with the others, it's not like he could understand. Wingdings was trying to teach Sans the small words and slowly build up his vocabulary to the language, but what Dings spoke of with the others went WAY past his head. "what is west?" Sans asked as they left some building or another. Wingdings had called it a 'tavern'. "West is one of the four cardinal directions. We call it erim." Sans sockets widened in understanding. "what about outa, zaix, and illu?" Wingdings smiled at Sans curiosity and put a hand on his head. "Well, illu is called east in the common language. Zaix is called south. And outa is north."
"we are going erim then?" Sans asked. "Yes, so says the sources we've found thus far." Wingdings replied. Sans grabbed a fistful of Wingdings cloak. "i miss allhalla.."
"So do I."


Sleep never came easy to Sans. He would lay there for hours in their shared inn room, trying but he couldn't for... obvious reasons. Sans wasn't the only one with ptsd though. Wingdings had also lost everything that day, and had the physical cracks on his face to prove it. "seema.." Wingdings noticed Sans gestures as he was staring at him from the opposing bed. "You don't have to call me that. Wingdings will do just fine." Some habits were hard to break though. He'd called everyone older than him Seema since he could talk.. "will we ever be able to sleep good again?" Sans asked, knowing full well that he wasn't the only one suffering. Wingdings wasn't sure. "I do not know. The thing about post traumatic stress disorder is that it takes time and sometimes not even that works." Sans looked down at his sheets. "oh.." Wingdings climbed out of his bed and sat beside Sans, who climbed out of his covers to hug onto Wingdings. It made Wingdings happy to have someone there with him. "It will be ok, Sans. Things will get better. We just have to be patient." Things couldn't get much worse than eventually being sealed underground, right?


"why do monsters have gold? why don't they share like we do?" Wingdings looked as Sans who was staring at a gold coin. They were at a market, gathering supply since they were running low. Wingdings and Sans both have been taking on odd jobs to get the G they had. They'd been running on the G Wingdings had for the last few months, but that only lasted so long. "Monsters live differently." He replied quickly before turning back to the monster he was doing business with. They exchanged a few coins for some food and they moved away from the stall. "i've been wondering, who introduced you to the monster world?" It was quite obvious that Wingdings knew what he was doing here. He seemed more at home with the Monsters than with the Skeletons. "I was raised by Monsters, actually. It could be argued that I was never introduced. I only joined Allhalla later on in life, when Amiri was just a babybones." That wasn't what Sans was expecting. "you were raised by..."
"My mate, Amiri's father, is a Monster. I will be seeking him out after we inform the king." Sans mind was reeling.


"Happy birthday, Sans." Sans pulled the covers from his face in a failed attempt to sleep. "has it seriously been a year?!" Wingdings laughed at Sans flabbergastered face. "Indeed it has, you are fifteen. What do you want to do?" Sans sat up slowly, pondering his options. "huh... i dunno. all this time we've been traveling, i haven't exactly been paying attention to fun stuff we could do." Wingdings snickered. "What a travesty. I guess that means we are doing things the Monster way." Sans quirked a brow. "i get the feeling that you were hoping for this." Wingdings was already up and dressed. "I will be retrieving a cake from the bakery, I will return shortly." Sans reached out as he struggled out of his blankets. "seema wait-" Wingdings was already gone. Sans gave a tired smile as he shook his head and took a bath, changing into something fresh. He got some breakfast from a nearby store and waited for Wingdings to come back with a fresh frosted cake with fifteen candles on it. "I was thinking we could travel by Blaster today after we celebrate. Oh! And here." Sans was given a paper wrapped gift. "you really didn't have too... but thanks.."

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