Found Out

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It didn't take Sans long at all to find out that Frisk had taken his brother and friends downstairs and he wasn't happy at all. He was ready to chew them all out for invading his privacy, but seeing that Alphys got that machine working that Sans had been trying to fix for a good many years... he was curious as to what it was too. What the machine did, how it worked. What he saw though, what they all saw was way more than what he'd ever imagined was possible. He was born on the Surface? Him and Papyrus were both born on the Surface? He fought in the war? Him and Pap weren't really brothers? Sans knew he had a very big gap where his younger years should have been, but this was not what he was expecting that gap to be. Sans could feel a headache coming on from the information overload. "Holy crap..." Undyne finally said as she turned to an equally shook Papyrus. "Dude! You were born on the Surface!!!" Papyrus blinked a couple of times. "I-I guess so..." There was many, many questions Papyrus had about this. "I-I never knew you a-and Sans were s-so old.."
"we are young for our species actually, if you weren't paying attention."


All heads snapped to Sans as he massaged his temple. "oh boy, i think i need to sit down after this.." He muttered to himself. "Sans? Did you know what was on this?" Frisk replied. Sans shook his head immediately. "i found it down here, years ago. tried to fix it up, but things came up and i kinda just dropped it all together." Sans replied quietly. "So your saying you didn't know any of all that until now." Undyne clarified to which Sans nodded. "not a clue, the machine did exactly what it was supposed to. it successfully suppressed every memory of the time before it was built. seeing it all again, so foreign yet familiar, i guess it was kinda like a floodgate and all these memories... they came flooding back." Sans sighed heavily. i always wondered why i was so good in battle.." A lot of things were clicking in place as he turned and headed back upstairs to get an ibuprofen. No doubt they all had questions now and no doubt they were going to turn to him for answers.


Sans waited on the couch for them to come to him. It didn't take long at all. "So you are the Judge?! The monster of legend from the war?!" Stars it was like they didn't just see his entire past for themselves. "yep." Alphys tapped her claws nervously together. "I-I was w-wondering about y-your culture..." She stuttered. "I TOO, AM CURIOUS ABOUT OUR CULTURE, BROTHER- D-DO YOU STILL WANT ME TO CALL YOU THAT...? EVEN THOUGH WE AREN'T ACTUALLY..." Sans sat up straighter. "of course bro, of course. even if we aren't technically related, i love you like you were actually my brother." Papyrus nodded before joining Sans on the couch and hugging him. "ARE YOU OK...?" Sans hugged his brother back. "i'm overwhelmed, but i'll be ok bro.." Frisk had to ruin the moment with their own question. "Is there a difference between a Tine and other Skeletons? That seemed pretty important." Sans gave a long suffering sigh. "a tine is a direct desendant to the first clan head, tine fraktur. he, and in turn all after him are skeleton equivalents to a boss monster, myself included."


Yep. That was a thing now. Boss Monster Sans. With that information drop, Sans was bombarded and he was pretty damn quick to flee. His new found memories were still settling, he couldn't answer every question yet. Sans mind wandered to his Uhama. To Benguiat and Brushy and Danzig. Amiri. Wingdings and Grillby never saw their daughter again after that day. It made sense they would use the machine on themselves too. Sans closed his sockets. He'd seen too much tragedy, before and after the machine, he may as well have never used it with the resets. He'd watched Wingdings fall, Jeff too. He'd killed many kids because he'd had an unusual fear and anger towards them. Now he knew why. Of course you'd be afraid and angry towards humans if your entire clan, King, and war buddies were murdered by them. Which reminded him... Sans opened his sockets, got up from his bed and shuffled over to his closet. He dug around until he found it, full of regular dust. He brushed dust off the deltarune symbol. He unsheethed the old blade, it was still in pretty good condition despite the years.


Sans eventually went back downstairs after finding Retribution again. To his surprise it was only Papyrus down there. "I TOLD THEM TO GIVE YOU TIME. YOU'LL ANSWER THEIR QUESTIONS AT YOUR OWN PACE." Sans hummed, joining Papyrus on the couch. "and what about your questions?" Papyrus "Nyeh heh heh'ed" softly. "AT YOUR OWN PACE, SAME AS THE OTHERS." Sans nodded with another hum. "that's much appreciated, bro... do you have any simple questions now?" Sans asked. "You... named me Papyrus... what does it mean?" Sans chuckled. "in our native tongue papy means new. rus means hope. i named you new hope. you were the new hope of our species. living proof that dings and i weren't the only skeletons out there. i don't know if any of the others survived after the war, but there was hope and it started with you." Papyrus listened quietly, processing the answer he was given. "OK! WHY DIDN'T YOU TEACH ME THE NATIVE TONGUE?" Papyrus asked curiously. Sans held up two fingers. "two reasons. one was because i didn't see the point of teaching you a more or less dead language when we are living amongst monsters that don't understand it." Papyrus blinked. "OH. MAKES SENSE. WHAT IS REASON NUMBER TWO?"
"the native tongue was suppressed by the machine too, i couldn't have taught it to you even if i wanted to." Papyrus sweatdropped. "RIGHT.."

IT IS DONE!!!!! This was a fun little project- I have so much lore for this series- This HAS to be one of my most thought out stories yet- I love it! Shout out goes to Septiplyierfangirl who has this AMAZING MHA X Undertale crossover called 'It's a Beautiful Day Outside..'. Check them out- they are great, very nice too. Gave me a few shout outs themselves. Anyway, have a great morning/afternoon/night!


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