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Sans blinked the Skeleton in front of him, only a little bit taller than him. She was about his age and clutched a few scrolls to her chest. Her hair was purple and flared up like fire, flickering and bright. There was a nervous aire about her, like she was just as unsure of this as him. "W-well...?" She stuttered lightly. Sans blinked again. "m-me? i-i've never, uh, i'm not good with, uh, others.." He sputtered finally. "N-none of us are either, that's why we have to stick together! Um... at least... that's what Benguiat says.."
"and he's your..." Sans asked uneasily. She shook her head. "N-no, our, uh, Uhama don't have a Tine. We vote. M-majority wins." That was a little interesting and different. From what Sans had gathered, all Uhamas and Ehamas had their own individual 'Tines' for the group, so this was new. "maybe... can i observe and, uh, make a choice tomorrow..?" He asked. The girl was already nodded. "Y-yeah! Of c-course! Um, I'm Amiri by the way. Gaster's daughter." She introduced. Sans was legitimately surprised by that. Wingdings Gaster was an outcast amongst his species, different. Sans didn't know much about him except that he spoke with his hands and used to live outside the compound. He didn't know why, but after a long time, he came back, apparently with Amiri. Gaster made Sans uneasy. "C-come on! The o-others are waiting!"


There was only three other Skeletons in the Uhama. Two other boys and another girl. Benguiat was one of the boys and was shy about others seeing his face so he hid it behind a worn cotton bandana. Sans suspected that it had been white once, but had grayed over time. He decided not to question how long the guy had the bandana. The other boy was Danzig. He was very tall for their age. Either that or Sans was very small for his... or both. Danzig wasn't very talkative, which was ok because his actions often spoke louder anyway. Danzig was a sweetheart! Brushy was energetic. Not in a hyper way, but she was probably the best with people out of all of them. Very charismatic. It kinda made Sans jealous. Her green hair was short and barely reached her shoulders. "Hey Sans, it's nice of you to finally join the party." Benguiat greeted. "He's not, um, joining... yet." Amiri quickly cut in. "Oh?" Brushy immediately looked at Sans who wanted to shrink in on himself. He hated the attention being on him. "He wants t-to, um, o-observe... f-for now.." Amiri explained to which he nodded slowly. "That's cool, that's cool. Watch away, little man." Benguiat teased. "And feel free to jump in, that cool with you guys?" The rest nodded quickly.


Their function was... strange. Nothing Sans was used to seeing amongst other Uhamas anyway. Instead of doing one thing together, they did their own separate things around each other. Amiri liked to read. Seeing as the only things to read in Allhalla was the scrolls of Skeleton history in the Archives, that's what she read. Benguiat liked to write so sometimes she read those too. Danzig liked to sew and had tried to make Benguiat a new bandana, but he refused. Brushy liked to tell stories. Random ones she made up or ones she'd heard from a Seema. It was interesting. Sans really didn't know what he could bring to this group. He didn't really have one specific thing he liked to do, he'd been busy trying to please the Tine and Seemas. "Hey listen to this, apparently Skeletons almost went extinct before!" The others gave Amiri their attention. She cleared her 'throat'. "- Skeletons became few as they were cast out by society. Humans, monsters, nie would help. Fear was to strong. Fraktur, with all crumbling around him led they who remained far away where none would find, and repopulation began. This place, they called 'Allhalla' a place where only Skeletons could be born and only Skeletons could die."
"Oh man..." Brushy placed a fist where her soul rested. "How deep, how tragic, like a fairytale! Only it is our history.." Everyone rolled their eyelights.


Sans decided to go back the next day. They were intriguing, those four. Now Brushy was telling a story. One Sans heard before. The Legend of the Silver Soul. A soul that had been reincarnating into the sane family since the dawn of time. Some even say that Tine Fraktur was the Silver Soul, but nobody even knows if it's real or not and Sans knew his soul certainly wasn't Silver. "Converted to the humans faith, the Queen of monsters feared the Skeletons as harbingers of death, seeking nothing but destruction upon the kingdom. She pleaded with the King, "Cast the Skeletons away, they bring no good!" She paused. "Does nobody wanna play the King?" The boys shrugged, having never heard the story before. "i apologize, my queen, for i cannot. the skeletons have done no wrong." Sans took up the part, to which Brushy smiled. ""You will see the wrong my King, you will see." The Queen awaited her opportunity and struck when a monster child went missing. She found the child's dust, ravaged by animals in the woods and planted it in the backyard of a Skeleton..."
"It's odd how this story correlates with what I read yesterday." Amiri noted. "... maybe it's true." Danzig shrugged. "maybe." Sans agreed. ""I swear to you, Queen of monsters, when I am reborn, I will take my kind away." Said the Skeleton as he was at his last breath, "but know this. We will return, when the land is ravaged and we are equal in number. All will return from whence we came until the angel descends..." With his warning said, he turned to dust, leaving his Silver Soul behind to sransfer once more into a new body, the body of young Tine Fraktur..."

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