How to Train your Blaster

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It was three years later when Benguiat decided that they should show the adults what they were capable of and everyone was eager to go... everyone but Sans. Of course the majority had won the vote and the small Skeleton was dragged along into the woods anyway. The Blasters tended to go to a clearing a half a mile out from where the Skeleton civilization was. It made sense, they were assumed to be a soulless subspecies of Skeleton. The Uhama of four rested on their ribcage as they peeked over a ridge and into the clearing. To the left they could see one of their seemas spectating, most likely in case something went wrong. There were plenty of Blasters down there, big and small, to many for the four to handle, so they had to wait until the clearing cleared out a little. Sans observed the beings with slight interest, just because he wasn't interested in taming one, didn't mean he wasn't interested in them in general. Right now there was three smaller Blasters romping around the clearing, with three other... pups(?) Chasing them around. Sans believed they were pups anyway, they were tiny Blasters that were uncoordinated on their paws and made high pitched pup like noises. In the center were the two largest Blasters that watched the chaos much like the Uhama was doing.


The largest of the group was the first to get up. Sans deemed it 'the Tine' of the Blasters. It didn't seem interested in having the others follow it as it left. The other four immediately started whispering excitedly. "He's leaving!"
"How do you know its a he? It could be a she."
"Shh! Keep it down you two!"
"There's still to many." Sans agreed. There was still seven down there, granted three were pups, but if one of those Blasters was the mother, it could be extra dangerous. So they waited some more the three that the pups were chasing flopped on the ground, panting. One stretched out with a lazy groan, tail thumping on the grass. The pups started to climb on it, but it didn't mind. Sans felt like he could relate. Papymas were cute. The other bigger Blaster got up and yawned, mandible splitting in half before it collected the pups and trotted off, the pups complaining the entire way out. Sans looked over at the others... who were no longer there.


Sans poked his head over the ledge and saw them already climbing down and circling the three. Two of the Blasters chittered and darted off, having sensed the possible danger, but the one sprawled out didn't. It sat up slowly, growling. Yellow eyelights flickered between the four as they stepped within its line of sight cautiously. It growled again as Danzig stepped a little closer to it. He edged just a bit closer still and the Blaster decided it was too close. It lunged at him with a roar, Danzig dodged it and skittered underneath it and to Benguiat. Brushy tried to trap him with some bones. The Blaster hissed and weaved away, charged towards the group. "Everyone scatter!" Amiri screamed. Sans jolted up from his spot and before he realized what he was doing, he'd jumped off the cliff and landed on its back. "oh crap-" The Blaster screamed and started bucking as Sans clung tight to it. "Sans!" The other four panicked, not expecting that. Sans wasn't even expecting it, but he was stuck here now all he had to touch its head to sync wills with it.. easy enough..


Not. Sans found himself rolling in the grass and leaves as soon as he moved his hand to touch its crest. He scrambled to his feet and ducked as it snapped at him, extremely unhappy. "Sans! Get moving, don't let him get you!" Sans dodged left, grateful for Wingdings training for once. "no freaking duh! i'm not dying today!" He barked back dodging the Blaster again. It was ignoring the others, focusing on Sans. They took that opportunity to try to get it, only the other Blasters had come back... with their Tine. "Oh no, oh no, oh no-" There was a screech and a beam of light. The Seema had jumped in with his Blasters, maybe three or four of them, pretty large but smaller than the Tine. The Uhama hid behind him so he could focus on protecting them. "Sans!?" Meanwhile, Sans had taken off to try and keep the Blaster(s) off his trail with the original Blaster on his tail. Beams of light whizzed past him as he ran, he was running out of steam fast. He had to do something and fast. "oh stars, this is going to be totally reckless."


As soon as the Blaster got close, Sans whirled around, holding his hand out to sync his will. The Blaster tried to skid to a stop, to evade, but it tried stopping to late for the speed it was going. It opened its maw and started building up magic for another blast but Sans hand met its muzzle and it froze. The magic faded from its muzzle and its eyes flashed cyan while Sans flashed yellow. Sans had done it. He'd tamed his first Blaster. "heh.... let's...... get some rest... buddy.." Sans fell onto his knees, the Blaster curling around him. "you..... need a name...... yeah....... hm... how 'bout... fright? that.... sound good..... girl..?" Sans knew it was a girl. It was like she'd told him when they synced. Fright cooed, picking the little Skeleton up to bring to the others. By the time they got to the Seema and other children, Sans was passed out on her back. The Seema looked ready to attack her, but again, as if she told Sans, he was awake, pressing a hand to her crest. "down girl.. let's just... go home. that sounds nice.." She rumbled and laid down, letting the Skeletons check on him. "It seems... he'd gotten her. You will all have another chance soon, don't worry, but Papyma Sans really needs rest." They all could agree to that after seeing Sans.

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