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Sans was shaken awake gently by Wingdings that next day. He blinked in confusion as he looked up at his kin and mentor before or yawning and stretching his stiff joints. "damn, i haven't slept that good on my own in forever.. what time is it?" Wingdings chuckled. "It's one in the afternoon, actually. General Gerson and Grillby had agreed that you needed the rest." Still Sans was up in an instant and brushing past Wingdings as he went to his room. "oh man, i'm late for my duties, the army could head out whenever and i wouldn't be there to protect them-" Wingdings frowned in clear worry. "Is that not putting too much on your shoulders, Sans? You cannot save everyone." Sans walked out donning his armor and sword. "i can certainly try though. i'm not going to stand buy and watch, not again." Wingdings sockets widened. Sans had told him once about that day. How he couldn't move despite wanting to. Wingdings couldn't say anything to change Sans mind as he walked out the door.


Sans hustled over to his commanding officers to apologize for his extreme tardiness. "second lieutenant comic sans serif reporting in, i apologize for my lateness.." Sans panted as the Captian and the General laughed at him. "I told ya, he does this every time, even if it's an order! Wah ha ha!" Captian Grillby lifted an amused brow. "Have you eaten yet, Second Lieutenant?" Sans faltered. "well, no, but i'm already late enough.."
"Go home and eat, Sans. A decent meal is important to every soldier." Sans groaned but obeyed. "sir yes sir.." He listened to them as he walked away. "How often does he skip meals?"
"Not too often, actually. Only when he gets proper rest. That boy carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. I fear the day that it breaks 'im. I hope he learns before then."
"You and I both. He's a good kid. Helped Wingdings through a lot when their clan was massacred. Especially when it came to.." Sans sockets widened. That was right. Grillby is Wingdings mate, which meant that he was Amiri's other parent. Sans always wondered why her purple hair had looked like fire. Did Grillby even get to meet his child before the incident happened..? Sans didn't know and he certainly wasn't going to bring it up.


Sans made some oatmeal for breakfast, thinking on events. "Sans?" Sans eyelights shifted from the bowl he was intensly staring at to Wingdings. "hm?"
"I noticed yesterday that you'd referred to yourself as 'Comic' Sans Serif. Why is that?" Sans tilted his head. "that's a good question, really. comic would translate to child friendly in our tongue, yes?" Wingdings nodded. "i added comic to my name for that specific reason. to have a more child friendly, approachable name. it made sense to me at the time. especially helping out with jeff and dune after their daddy died." Wingdings hummed, trying to think of who Jeff and Dune were. "Those kittens that clung to you yesterday?" Wingdings questioned. "those very ones." Sans chuckled. Unfortunately it was cut short when is door was slammed open. "All soldiers and monsters able to fight are to report to the king! The human army is coming." Sans and Wingdings exchanged a glance before standing and heading out and to the King, leaving a half eaten bowl of oatmeal on the table.


From what Sans understood, this was the largest attack from the humans yet. He marched with his comrades toward the advancing human army, the King was intent on stopping them there before they could attack the monster towns beyond. Still, those who could not battle were evacuating to towns closer to the mountain. That was the final drawback if things got really bad. Before Sans knew it, Sans found himself caught up in the battle, his magic flaring as he read the sins of his attackers, dodged said attacks, and counterattacked viciously. The Judge wouldn't be taken down so easily after all. He unsheethed his sword as steel met steel and he pushed back against the human that wanted him dead. Spooks took care of that human for him. Sans summoned all his Blaster's to help on the battlefield targeting the ones with especially high amounts of sins. He heard the shouts. "It's him! The Judge! Kill him!" He always killed them first. Sans ducked, running his sword through a man while simultaneously firing bones at any human that tried to approach while he was locked in combat with yet another. He threw someone off one of his comrades with soul magic while tripping up another human and finishing him off with his blade. He was never still, always in motion.


Blood dripped off his sword and onto the bloody and dusty battlefield. The humans were retreating, for now, but Sans knew they'd be back. He leaned tiredly against Fright. He was always tired after battle. A lot of magic lost. He would try to sleep it off. "Stay alert, everyone. There could be more." Sans decided to push his limits a little and see. ".... there...... there is...... no one........ near..... we are...... alone..." Sans panted. Relegore nodded, trusting his judgment. "Deactivate your magic, Sans. You need to rest. Sans didn't fight against that order. He let himself drop as he leaned into Fright's leg. Wingdings ran to check on Sans. "Sans, Sans?!" The boy cracked his eye open. "'m fine..... just..... tired.." Grillby in the meantime had questions. "I heard them refer to Sans as The Judge. I've heard a great many things about a monster that protects the innocent and kills the guilty. Is Sans really him?" Wingdings looked from Sans to his mate. "As I said." Gerson spoke grimly. "That boy carries the weight of the world on his shoulders." Wingdings turned slowly back to Sans with a heavy sigh. "Oh Papyma.." He picked Sans up in his arms to carry him home.

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