The End of Life

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It's been a couple years since the war started and Sans had become pretty adept in hiding his true feeling behind a smile for the sake of everyone else. The Seemas had slowly started loosening their lock down on the Papymas since the humans and monsters only seemed interested in each other. Many of the Seemas, from what Sans heard, were confident that the war would bypass them. Sans wanted to believe it, but the sense of foreboding hadn't left him, leaving him on high alert despite the reassuring words the Seemas spoke. "They aren't telling us something!" Brushy stated, pacing Benguiat's room where the Unhama decided to meet in private to discuss what's been going on... again. It had been going on since Allhalla went into lockdown two years ago. "It does seem like something big is going on, something they obviously don't want us to know.." Danzig agreed. "I've been hearing whispers of a war, maybe it's the war of prophecy?" Benguiat suggested. "they have been loosening their defenses," Sans said quickly, "it was probably some human looking for something to hunt or trade. Wingdings says that humans like doing that." He suggested. They seemed to accept that answer, though speculation was still in the air.


With the topic of the war successfully evaded once more, Sans went to do his chores. He knew that it wasn't just his Uhama. All the others were talking about it, they weren't dumb. They knew something was up. Sans sighed and went to the main hall to look at the Chores board. "cleaning the meeting hall and babysitting the papymas.." Sans internally groaned. Cleaning the meeting hall would take all morning, that was the one room they wanted cleaned to perfection. Babysitting would eat up the rest of his day, they were needy little Skeletons, many having just switched from soul magic to solids. They liked to sneak whatever soul magic they could get. Sans left to get a bucket. He internally groaned when he realized he'd have to go to the river since no one had went to retrieve water for the day yet. He shuffled towards the gates, pausing at the entrance. Would he be ok without a Seema with him? With regulations relaxing, he wasn't sure. He sighed and stepped out. Hed be careful. The walk would probably do him some good. He could relax before the long day that was ahead of him.


His soul shuttered when he was a little over halfway to the river. He looked around, trying to see if there was a reason for his discomfort. Was something watching him? Was he being followed? But he couldn't sense any souls nearby. He was alone out here. "stars, i'm too paranoid.." He decided. Things would be ok. It was a normal day. That's what he kept telling himself, but he was scared. Who knows what was going on in Allhalla in his absence. "it's ok, it's ok. it's a normal day. you'll get the water, go home, clean the meeting hall, play with the papymas, and go to bed like you always do with meal breaks in between. if your lucky, dinner tonight will be ajori. that'd be nice.." He calmed himself a little at the thought of his favorite meal. Ajori was a magical plant based soup that was mostly used for celebrations like the Tine's birthday or Skeleton holidays, but Sans could hope. It wasn't to much longer before he was filling the bucket and heading back. huh, it's actually a beautiful day outside.."


The happy mood did not last. Sans was rooted to the treeline, trying to figure out what those weird creatures were. They were muscular with strong, thin legs and rounded paws? He really wasn't sure. Hair sprouted from their neck and hindquarters, draping down and had long, broad muzzles. They almost reminded him of the deer he'd often seen in the woods over the course of his fourteen years of life. On top of them were what looked like Skeletons, but were definitely not. The not Skeletons had hair too, some only on their heads, some all over their face. They had color to their bones? No, it wasn't bone. Sans didn't know what was covering their bones, and in place of eyelights were colorful... he didn't know what they were either. "what are...?" It clicked as soon as they jumped off the animals and Skeletons ran out of Allhalla to fight them and the realization shook Sans to his core. Those were humans. The humans found them. It was happening. It was happening now. His way of life was ending and it was starting with a pile of dust.


He couldn't move. Sans was terrified as he watched his family crumble to Dust one by one. He'd seen it before. Death had been a sad lesson to learn. Some Papymas simply didn't make it after they were born. Some Seemas just wanted to find eternal rest. It happened. This though, this was not something he ever wanted to see. Murder, no genocide. They were storming into the gates of Allhalla, leaving the dust of the Skeletons he'd known behind. Then the screams started. They rang so sharply in his 'ears' that it sent him to tears. They were dying and he was to scared to move. They were dying. He was there alive. Listening. Terrified. Unable to move. He could DO something. Why wasn't he DOING anything?! Then he saw fire. Burning the buildings, consuming everything. He found himself able to move, but his body was going the OPPOSITE direction he wanted to go. What was he doing?! Why was he running away?! He needed to help them, go back! He had to go back.. Sans found himself back in the river. Literally wading in, to hide from the humans. He felt scared and ashamed of himself. He just left them to die..

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