Young Soldier

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Sans went up his first rank in the army not to long after he turned seventeen. Private First Class. His common was significantly better and he even started learning how to use a sword in case he was out of magic to use. That in which he was learning to refine and better himself with as well. He went on patrols with his fellow soldiers, didn't do anything too dangerous either, but at least he was kept busy. He liked being busy over being bored. That stance would change over time. "Do you think we will ever fight a human?" Sans glanced over to Pyrope. "i don't know. think you will be able if time comes?" Judging by the fearful expression on his face, that was a likely not. Sans wasn't sure either. He didn't really want to stand by and watch again though either. That's why he was here. To get stronger so that he could help rather than running away again. He didn't want to be that kind of monster ever again. That day... it has haunted him and would continue to for the rest of his life. He could never forget.


He started reading whenever he couldn't train or Relegore was busy. Sans was more or less able to take care of himself now so Relegore was out checking on other camps, other towns. He often had a dictionary as well, to further improve his common. His writing in common turned out to be pretty crappy, so he tried to avoid writing period. His wingdings was much better. Sometimes when he was deep into his studies, he would forget to eat. That monster lady that he met on the first day would come and deliver fresh bread, or sometimes fruit, and some water. She had him call her Lady Ragdoll. He assumed that was her breed of monster so he went with it. "At it again, I see." She commented one day as Sans flipped the page. "is it wrong to read?" He questioned, sparing a quick glance at what she'd brought this time. Water, and some strawberries. "Quite the opposite actually, I wish more would put this much dedication into their studies." She patted his head before dismissing herself to take care of something else. Lady Ragdoll was a busy one around town. Sans smiled. He was glad to have someone like her around.


Sans was up late again, unable to sleep, so he trained with his sword. A quiet option if you asked him. "Well, well sonny, what are you doing up at this hour of the night?" Sans froze mid swing as he looked to the General. "couldn't sleep." The old tortoise laughed. "Just like you couldn't sleep the night before that and the night before that?" Gerson questioned as Sans sheathed his sword. Stars, how long had the geezer been watching him?! "Boy, I understand you been through something mighty traumatic, but you still need some sleep." Sans groaned, "i tried too, general, but-"
"Sonny. I know it ain't easy, but I also know you can do it. Work through your hurt." Gerson sent Sans off back to the hall. Sans knew if he pushed any more Gerson would probably take him off duty tomorrow, and that was the LAST thing he wanted. Sans decided to finish the book he started, under the light of his and Fright's magic. Eventually sleep did claim him that night, the Blaster carrying her companion to his cot while he had restless dreams.


Sans actually slept in the next day, most of that having to do with a tortoise who spoke to a feline late in the night who had then snuck in to calm the Skeleton from his night terrors. Of course Lady Ragdoll couldn't do that every night, but at least she could help Sans with one good night of rest. It was amazing what one could with healing magic if they were trained right. Sans though, he didn't see it that way. He panicked, knowing he was late for training and it was a scramble to get to the training grounds. "Wah ha ha! Good morning sonny, slept well I assume!" Gerson called as Sans ran the remaining distance from his home to there. "i-i'm so sorry sir, i didn't-" Gerson patted Sans back and pushed him towards the others. "It's fine sonny, just fall in line." Sans was suspicious now. Gerson wasn't the least bit phased for some reason, so how was he involved with Sans sleeping in? Sans decided that he definitely needed to practice his check more so that he could tell if people were lying to him or something. Maybe he could become a living lie detector?


So he continued to learn and grow in his abilities. By the end of the year he ranked up to Corporal. He continued to get stronger with the sword. Used his small size to his advantage. Started to learn about his Karmatic Retribution and how to control it. He was able to see some of the sins people committed, but only the major things like murder. Sans found it to be a great start to begin with. He slept great at least once a month, which he was starting to believe Lady Ragdoll was also somehow apart of. He couldn't complain too much though, he had to admit that it helped a lot with his training and studies. He found he could summon more than one Blaster with that energy and continued to practice in multiple summonings when he realized that was a thing. He definitely was never bored anymore.

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