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It was safe for Sans to say Wingdings wasn't coming back. It had been four years now, Sans was eighteen. Wingdings had left when he was fifteen. Sans tried to drown out that realization by working to get even stronger, to fight harder. If not for those he'd already lost, then for those he still could protect. He didn't want to lose anyone else. Now that Sans was an adult, he was allowed on the frontlines where he ranked up rather quickly over the course of six months. He was a Sergent Major now, in command of his own soldiers now. He was gaining quite the reputation too on the battlefield. Humans and monsters alike called him 'The Judge'. A monster who could see the sins of the wicked, save the souls of the innocent, and killed those that deserved it. Sans neither agreed nor denied this. He simply didn't care. "You didn't sleep well?" It was more of a statement then a question. "rough night, i'll be fine." Sans visited Lady Ragdoll often. Her husband died in battle so he took over protecting her and their kittens for him.


Two little furballs burst inside before Sans could ask where they were, both clung to his sides, happily calling his name. Sans chuckled lightly at both looked like their father with lime green fur, though Jeff had amber eyes while Dune had blue ones. Sans chuckled at the two. "hey kiddos, you being good for your mom?" They nodded eagerly. "We are being really good, Mr. Serif!" Dune replied while Jeff agreed with his sibling. Sans rolled his eyelights. "you can just call me sans, ya know. mr. serif is too... formal." Sans would never be a Tine, there were no Skeletons left to lead, so he settled into the normal life instead. He didn't like to be reminded of his life before and Mr. Serif did just that. In fact, he denounced his last name all together. He was simply Sans the Skeleton now. Ragdoll glanced at Sans with worry. "Why don't you kittens go play outside and leave Sans be. The Sargent Major didn't sleep well last night." Ragdoll placed a cup of fresh coffee before him which Sans accepted gratefully. "so you heard of my promotion while i was on the field?" Ragdoll watched her kittens leave the house. "News travels fast." She replied.


Sans didn't know how late it was. He was awake though, with two of his Blaster's at his side as his stargazed. Fright and Spooks. They were all Holloween themed names, though Sans had no idea at the time. He found it kinda funny now. "they say monsters don't persist after death, but what if wingdings was the silver soul? ever heard of that story?" Sans asked as he traced the constellations with a phalange. Spooks groaned and flopped to the side. "heh... yeah, i kinda figured.." He wished he knew if Wingdings was dead or alive, maybe if he sent a message or something, Sans wouldn't feel so... this. Sans pushed himself into a sitting position with a heavy sigh, pinching his nasal cavity. "just stop giving yourself hope, sans." He grumbled to himself before pushing himself to his feet. "dismissed, thanks for keeping me company, guys." The Blasters complained but disappeared in sparks of blue and yellow sparks. Sans took one last look at the stars before he headed back to town and to his place to try and get some sleep.


Sans dodged his enemies sword and countered with his own. This human was young, an amateur. No sins to speak of, other than lying about his age. He bet this was the kids first time on the frontlines and he was beyond scared of dying, so he was trying to kill Sans first. Sans almost felt bad for the niave kid. Really, he were lucky that he was fighting Sans rather than one of the other monsters. Sans tripped him with a sweep of his leg and kneeled over him. Sans pressed a phalange to his teeth in a shushing motion before someone else went after him. This human, on the other had plenty of sins. Killed many monsters without mercy. Sans tore at him with his sword and bones. Sans walked away from the kid and the body to help out some of his comrades on their struggles against the human army. He was almost garenteed another promotion, not that he was looking to rise in the ranks. He just wanted to be in a position where he could help as much as he could and lose as little monsters as possible.


Sans played with the kittens when he got back. Mostly to hold his promise to their father and partially to remind himself it was them and others like them that he was trying to protect. That's why he fought the war. So that there would be no... repeats... of what happened. So that he wouldn't lose anyone else he cared about. "Sans." He paused in tickling Jeff as he looked up to the King. "A letter for you." Sans held up a finger to Jeff and Dune, walking over to Relegore with caution. "don't tell me it's another promotion.." Relegore chuckled. "It's more than that, though you are getting promoted." Sans took the letter and opened it up, sockets widening as he read the familiar contents within. Tears of relief ran down his cheekbones as he looked to Relegore. "It came in attached to one of those Skeleton animals and disappeared as soon as I took the letter." Relegore confirmed. "Sans, what's wrong?" Dune asked. "heh, nothings wrong... my... my mentor, wingdings, is alive. he's... coming home.." Sans smiled happily. It was about time the guy got some good news!

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