Training with Wingdings

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"Sans, this is Wingdings. You will be under his care today." This was exactly what Sans didn't want. Today, Sans was going to learn about the world outside Allhalla, how to protect himself, and Wingdings was his Seema to go to. Amiri had told him a bit about her dad. Wingdings was deaf and preffered not to use his voice. He didn't see the point if he couldn't hear it himself. Thus he and most of the Seemas 'spoke' with their hands since Skeletons didn't have lips that he could read. A unique sign language that he'd been named after. 'Hand Speaker'. She'd also called him 'eccentric' and 'loud of opinion'. Sans wasn't sure what eccentric meant, but he didn't like it. Naturally Seema Spectral and Tine Nanum prepared Sans for today by teaching HIM hands. "What do you know about the world." Wingdings asked immediately. Sans hesitated and signed back slowly. "i know monsters kicked us out a long time ago because of some human religion." Wingdings looked genuinely impressed with Sans. "You picked up wingdings fast. That is correct. Very few monsters know that Skeletons still exist. In my time out there, I have met the Royal family and others. They were quite surprised, but that old Queen's influence had stuck none."


Wingdings stepped out of the compound. "You've been out before, yes?" He inquired as Sans followed the Skeleton. "once... to clean the wall." Wingdings looked down at the tiny Skeleton boy. "Well there is much more out there you must know about as you get older. You will have to learn to hunt and evade."
"evade?" Sans inquired. Wingdings chuckled. "Yes. A Skeletons main battle tactic is evasion. We don't take attacks head on if we can help it. Especially with your HP. Evasion will be your salvation." Sans quirked a brow. "what do we have to fight?" Wingdings hummed. "Plenty. The creatures of the forest love bones to chew on." He smirked as Sans flinched. "Luckily we have beasts to counteract the forest animals." Sans looked wearily at Wingdings and slowly signed, "what..?" Wingdings smiled at Sans curiosity. "Blasters." He spoke surprisingly smoothly for someone who rarely used his voice. "Soulless beings that have wills of their own. Skeletons can tame these beasts by 'syncing wills' with the Blaster. It will only obey you once you do." He explained to a slightly curious and awed Sans.


"when can i tame one?!" Sans completely forgot to sign, but Wingdings had seen his mandible moving and could only guess he what he was saying. It made him laugh. "You have a few years yet boy. They say that once you tame your first Blaster, you are considered an adult to the clan." He mused, awaiting Sans reaction. It wasn't what he was expecting. Sans didn't look excited in the least about 'being an adult'. The nine year old looked downright scared actually. "Sans? What is wrong, Papyma?" Sans hesitated. "i... don't think i'm ready... for the responsibilities of adult life. i am expected to act like the son of the tine already. what if they start coming to me for things... i don't understand?"
"It is a heavy burden to carry, being the next Tine. But until your father retires or dies, you will live as any other and learn from him." Sans stopped. "what?" Wingdings quirked a brow, stopping with him. "What?"
"what is a father?" Wingdings blinked and chuckled. "It's a common word. The language of the monsters. It is what the call the male who biologically created you."


Sans spent a small chunk of time learning about a father and other words meaning the same thing. "It's sunhigh. I should really be teaching you evasion tactics now." Wingdings summoned a bone and Sans gulped. "Don't fret. I promise my attacks will damage you none. It's all about intention." Sans nodded and he sent the first attack. Sans got clipped in the arm and hissed in pain. "it hurt!" He signed with a whine. Wingdings huffed. "Just because it won't damage you, doesn't mean it won't hurt. You have to learn somehow Sans." If he'd been starting to change his mind about the Skeleton that spoke in hands, it immediately changed back. Wingdings was mean. Ruthless. By the time they were headed back to Allhalla, Sans felt a tingling pain all over his arms, legs, and ribs. He didn't understand the older Skeletons methods at all. What was worse was that they were doing it again tomorrow. He groaned as he went to his room that he'd been given when he turned seven. That was around the age all young Skeletons were given their own space. He was not looking forward to training.


To his surprise, Amiri came with as well. She and her 'father' talked the entire way there, the signs to fast for Sans to follow. When they got to a suitable clearing, Wingdings stopped them. "Sans, I would like you to observe Amiri, perhaps her technique will assist you some." With that, Wingdings sent out MULTIPLE attacks at her. Sans anxiety immediately spiked as he thought of his Eha getting hurt, but she dodged every one with ease. Wingdings then summoned these HUGE dragonic skull things and they fired blasts of overpowering magic at her. Again she dodged the magic with ease. Sans was in awe of both her skill and what he assumed was Gaster's Blasters. He wanted to be able to do that! "Alright then, your turn Sans." Wingdings turned to the more motivated Skeleton boy. "G-good luck, Sans!" Amiri called to him. "thanks! i'll need it.." He mumbled to himself as Wingdings sent out the first attack.

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