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Sans was being lead to the fields today. He'd turned five yesterday, thus it was time for him to start helping around Allhalla. "Today, you will be taught how to weed the fields under your Seema's careful watch." Seema Spectral was explaining to Sans. "As you get older, you will alternate your chores with the other Papymas. Some such chores will be things like cleaning the social buildings of the compound, babysitting papymas, smithing and foraging, mapping out surrounding terrain, fetching water for daily needs, and ect." Sans looked at her with wide sockets. "tha's a lot." She chuckled, patting Sans skull, much to his annoyance. "There are a lot of us. But remember, it won't just be you. All of us Skeletons have our chores. I for instance keep an eye on little buggers like you and help advise your father."
"ad-vise..?" Sans asked as they made it to the field where many Skeletons were working. "Offer my opion, Sans. Go now, Papyma, speak to the closest Seema on what you should be doing here." Sans nodded and let go of Seema Spectral's hand, stepping into the soft, tilled dirt of the field. He sighed, it felt so nice.


"Papyma? Are you here to work?" Sans nodded to the Seema before him, a orange haired and bubbly older Skeleton. "I take it this is your first day then. Come little Papyma, I will guide you through what you must do." She crouched before the plants and patted the dirt, Sans followed her lead. She giggled at his behavior. "You see these little plants surrounding the bigger? Those are weeds. They are bad for the crops. We must remove them, like so." She grabbed the base of the weeds, systematically pulling them out, roots and all before throwing them in a basket. "Always remove the roots or the weeds will return and do not pull out the plant or it will die. Have a go." She shifted her position so Sans could get to the remaining weeds. He wasn't the best at it, but he was pretty good for a five year old. Sometimes he wouldn't get the roots out and break it off at the stem. Sometimes he would accidentally pull out the plant. Most times though, the Seema, Seema Lunarie would stop him before he pulled out the plant. Most of the older Skeletons that worked the field were very particular about their plants.


Sans continued to grow, continued to learn his different responsibilities as a Skeleton of Allhalla. He also continued to learn his lessons as the next Tine of Allhalla. "seema spectral." The elder Skeleton looked to the younger as he scrubbed the floors of the dining hall. "will you ad-vise me? um, when i'm tine that is.." The Seema nodded. "If you wish Papyma Sans, me and other older Seemas will council you, as we do the present Tine. I suspect it will be a very, very long time before then though. The Tine is still very young. He's only a hundred and fifty seven you know." Sans head snapped up. "oh wow, that is young." The old Skeleton giggled. "Yes, the clan is ever still growing too. We are in our golden years, Sans. Remember that. Don't take what you have for granted. You never know when our prosperity will end." Sans sat up straighter in alarm. "what do you mean, seema." She quickly waved it off.  "I mean that we never know when a drought will come, or famine. Bad things happen sometimes, Papyma. The sooner you accept that, the better off you'll be."


A sense of foreboding settled in Sans bones that night. It was like the Seema was holding something back, like she knew something was going to happen. Sans just didn't know what she meant or what she was referring to. In the end, he gave up trying to figure it out. Sleep had been more important to him. He was given the task of laundry today. He with some Seemas a few years older than him. They liked to talk a lot. Sans kinda just kept to himself. He thought of talking to them, but he just didn't know what to say. Besides. They were a Uhama. Most, if not all, Uhamas didn't react with outsiders all that often. Not unless a Skeleton was looking to join one himself or the Uhama wanted a Skeleton to join theirs. Sans wasn't in one and he didn't want to be. He preferred to be alone. That actually worried the likes of Seema Spectral and the Tine. Most Skeletons Sans age had an Uhama or Ehama (if it that a group of all females, that was rarely the case) that they were apart of. It was good experience for a young Tine like Sans.


The first time Sans left the compound was to clean its outer wall. He'd just turned six. Naturally, he wasn't the only one out there, there were plenty others cleaning it as well. The thing about the outer wall was that it was carved by Tine Fraktur himself. Many said it was a prophecy. And the part Sans was cleaning was the end. It depicted little figures, and very few of them, going to a dark place while being chased by more stick figures. Again it gave Sans a sense of foreboding. Like something big was going to happen. Something way beyond his control. He wasn't sure what to make of it, again. Maybe... there was a reason that he wasn't being told whatever was going on. Maybe he shouldn't know. He was just a kid, it wasn't his problem. Then again... he was the future Tine.. he shook his head. Future was a key word. Whatever it was, it was the present Tine's problem and the present Tine could handle it. Tine Nanum was strong and smart and young. He could handle it.

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