The Prophecy

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Fright was curled up around him when he woke up. The Blaster watched him panic, not entirely awake and very unsure of how she came to be in his room. She was patient with him though, his actions justified. "oh right... i got you yesterday... i guess my secondary trait is justice huh?" The thing about syncing wills with Blasters was that their traits had to be compatible, if not exactly the same. Since Sans magic was cyan, his main trait was patience. Fright's magic had been yellow. Justice. Skeletons only had two soul traits at most, that's what Sans was told, but most only had one. Sans ran his hand along the muzzle of the Blaster. "y'know, that wasn't so bad. i'll have to get you some friends soon. dismissed." It was only than that Fright disappeared as an extention of Sans magic, waiting for the next use. Sans yawned and stretched before heading out of his room. He was going to find Seema Spectral to ask his chores for the day when he noticed the Skeletons gathering by the front gate. "... what's going on over there..?" He decided to join them and find out.


The Tine himself was leading the group as they all shuffled out of the compound. Sans took note that they were all around his age and he was fairly certain his Uhama was here too. "You are aware of the prophecy of the Tine Fraktur, but you don't know what it is. You are here today to learn the future of Skeleton kind." The Tine was saying. Sans couldn't help but think this was right up Amiri's alley. They looked to the wall, the first images were of stick figures coming from the earth. "It is believed that Skeletons had originally come from the ground, we still don't know how or why, our scientists and historians are still trying to piece it together. We lived in peace with the monsters for centuries before the humans came to our land. For awhile, the humans too, kept the peace until they started to spread their religion about and push it unto others." This image was shown on the wall as some sort of bartering system, the 'Skeleton' figures giving food to the 'monsters' and 'humans' while humans traded goods and monsters traded spells. The next image showed the humans preaching their faith to the Skeletons and Monsters.


"Many humans started to fear us for no reason. Some monsters as well. We were cast out of society where Tine Fraktur brought us here and started Allhalla." The next images showed the Skeletons being shunned by the humans and monsters, and Skeletons making a journey. The start of Allhalla was no more than a few carved out shacks. "Over the years Allhalla expanded into the home we know today and prosper as it continues to expand." The image showed Skeletons building the wall of Allhalla, houses, farms, and other such necessities in the background of the partially built wall. "But... the Tine Fraktur foretold of a great danger. He feared that the species that cast us out will fight each other." The image depicted humans and monsters killing each other, the next image was... was of Skeletons being slaughtered by the humans. "We will be dragged in..." Allhalla was burning... "And those who remain will join the monsters in exhile back into the earth." Humans chasing the monsters back into a dark hole. Sans shivered, holding his arms in a form of comfort. "But that's not where the prophecy ends."


The Allhallan doors were closed, showing a familiar symbol. A circle with three triangles below it and a wing on either side. The deltarune. "The prophecy foretells of an angel from the surface will free us from the earth and bring us back home." Tine Nanum turned to the group. "Any questions?" Sans hesitated. "how can we go home if it's burned down?" The Tine blinked, having realized his son was awake and among the group. "... home is where the clan is, Sans. Allhalla can always be rebuilt, so long as one Skeleton from the clan exists, you will be home." He explained to the group. "Any other questions?" Sans pondered what he'd learned today as the others asked their questions and got their answers. Dread lingered in his soul about the prophecy, what was to come. He hoped that this war didn't happen in his lifetime, he didn't want to lose everything he'd ever known, meet creatures he'd never met, and get stuck in the ground. He liked life the way it was with his Seemas and Uhama and Fright. The unease he fealt every once in awhile came over him once more.


As soon as they went into Allhalla and dispersed, Sans was surrounded by his Uhama. "You're awake!"
"Are you feeling better?"
"Can we see it, the Blaster?"
"Welcome back to the land of the living." Sans staggered back, overwhelmed by the sudden questions. "uh, yeah, i'm... i'm ok. and uh, well." Sans summoned his magic and mentally called upon Fright, the Blaster appearing behind her master. "that was easier than i thought.." Sans muttered as the others started to gush. "Oh stars, it's huge!"
"she actually."
"Bet she packs a punch, what will you use her for?"
"i don't know yet."
"Does she have a name?"
"fright." He absent-mindedly stroked Fright the others doing the same. She didn't seem to mind since Sans didn't mind. "i wanna get her some friends eventually, i just wanna get used to her and rest up some more first." Fright cooed, nuzzling into Sans. "Yeah, give us a chance to get one too!" Brushy yelled, going to punch Sans only for him to dodge away shrugging. "mweh heh heh heh, it's a deal." Sans replied while Amiri grinned and nodded approvingly. "You're getting better, Sans, I didn't get to tell you that before you passed out." Sans looked down bashfully. "uhh, th-thanks.."

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