Part One

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Megan pov

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Megan pov

Megan was currently just laying at home waiting for 7:30 to hit so she can go to work. Watching tv and eating some type of vegan food. Due to the fact that it's very close to the summer time Megan decides to get her body in shape even tho it already was and had a body any female would want megan still thought that she needed to get it together. *megans phone ring* and sees it's her Bestfriend jt calling

M: "hello"
J: "hey bitch , wyd"
M: "now yk damn well Ian doing shit jt" *sounding a lil bit annoyed*
J: "see bitch you need some dick or some yo ass always upset about something"

Megan knew jt was kinda right but after her last relationship she's okay with not being in one due to the fact she mainly abused. But that's a story for another time

M: "now yk I don't gaf about that right now bitch. I'm just tired and don't even feel like going in tonight"
J: "shit bitch who you telling but you we mainly cliffs best works"

Even tho Megan wasn't a dancer she still brought money in even has a bartender and jt was his best dancer he had besides cardi (a stripper and their other friend)

M: "yea i know bitch but imma talk to you later I'm about to get in a quick nap, I love you hoe"
J: "okay I love you to bitch"

M: "yea i know bitch but imma talk to you later I'm about to get in a quick nap, I love you hoe"J: "okay I love you to bitch"

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"Okay well then fix it then dave now shit" Beyonce yelled through the phone. Dave always called Beyonce for the most dumbest reasons and she still knew that they was dumb but she still would answer the phone

"Okay b" Dave said

Right now Beyonce was currently working as usual, she always was working because that's just Beyonce

Beyonce was sitting in her office going over simple papers that she just started looking over but it wasn't gone take that long

5hrs later
Beyonce pov

Dave assisted that we go to the club which Beyonce was okay with because she wasn't doing anything else at that point.

In the club "Man this shit is jumping" Dave said Beyonce looked at him with her nose stirred up "nigga of course it is ITS SPIKES" Beyonce said very irrated because Dave wasn't the smart one out the two

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In the club
"Man this shit is jumping" Dave said Beyonce looked at him with her nose stirred up "nigga of course it is ITS SPIKES" Beyonce said very irrated because Dave wasn't the smart one out the two

Sooner or later they made it over the private section seeing their peoples

"Wassup Mfers" jay said to them "heyy" Dave and b said back

Later on

"Mannn y'all crazy I'm finna go to the bar real quick" Beyonce said

On the way their Beyonce would smell everything and everyone knew who she was so she would get different types of looks by people to looking like they seen a ghost to some females looking like they about to faint but Beyonce didn't pay it no attention,

once she got to the bar she spotted a tall girl with her back turned and as Beyonce was getting close she looked her at slowly up and down and said "Damnnnn" once Beyonce saw how thick she was
Beyonce knew that was home grown

Beyonce didn't think nobody heard her til she heard a heavy thick accent which was the tall girl "hey how can I help you" the girl she was tall but she wasn't tall like Beyonce but b loved a girl with legs and ass and seeing a tall thick women Beyonce didn't see like that and once Beyonce saw her face she instantly became hooked to her and knew that she was her Chosen one.

To be continued ...

Cardi , a stripper and a close to friend toMegan and Jt

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Cardi , a stripper and a close to friend to
Megan and Jt

Cardi , a stripper and a close to friend toMegan and Jt

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Jay , a friend of Dave and Beyoncé's

So how are y'all liking the book so far? 😭 ... this is my first one so bare with me please

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