Part nine

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Megan pov

It's been a few days since that incident took place and honestly I'm very shaken up from it but imma just dust it off

I know I should tell Beyonce I just don't maybe I should before things take a turn

But right now Beyonce was to damn busy tryna be nasty every since I came to her house

"Babyyyy" I said was she kept grinding and kissing on me "hmmm" she responded

kissing my neck then taking my shirt off kissing and putting hickeys all over my chest and boobs making her way down to my shorts taking those off

Once she was between my legs she kept teasing me "baby stop" I told her while moaning feeling her take my thongs off

"Wait" she said while between my legs mumbling on my clit making me get even more wetter than I was before

She kept kissing my thighs making me moan she's knows what she very much doing

"Bey stop— fuckkk" I was cut off mid sentence before I felt her latch onto my clit sucking on it

"Mmmm shittt daddy" I said moaning loud luckily nobody was here

Then she started flicking and doing extra shit with her tongue on my clit making me feel a familiar feeling knowing I'm about to cum

Which Beyonce knew as well "hold it" she said as she added a finger in my making me scream at this point

Shit if this what her head make me do just imagine her dick whewwww

"Please baby ..... daddy let me cum" I said at this point in tears

"Who pussy this belong to" she asked me adding another finger in going even faster pumping in and out of me making me cream

But me not responding made her add another one

"Ohh FUCKKK" I yelled "You daddy you DADDY THIS YOUR PUSSY I- IT BELONGS TO YOU" i said trying to get my words out while I started to shake

I already lost track of how many times I done came but I know it was more than once

Beyonce starting writing her name on my clit with her tongue which made me squirt all over her face "shitttt"
I said almost out of breath

Beyonce came up to me letting me taste myself "you taste you so fucking good"

She went in the bathroom to go start a bath I guess. she came back in the room walking over to me picking me up and putting me in the tub

Then she stripped her self and got in with me getting behind me

It was quiet until beyonce broke the silence

Beyonce pov

"So baby how have you been lately" I asked her I could tell something's been on her mind kinda heavy so thought

Me pleasing her would help a lil bit but imma do more than that for my baby today

"I've been okay working really but something strange happened the other night when I was clocking out" she said to me

"What happened" I asked washing her body

"So I was walking to my car to leave but then a got stopped by a group of people and they started talking and saying strange things like you never know when it could be your last breathing or being kidnapped something like that" she told me which automatically had me heated

"Really" was all I could say "yes and also you that day I went out for lunch with my girls" she said


"Well I felt this guy and girl watching me it felt almost if they was burning a hole in my body but I left after that" she told me which is very interesting

"What restaurant was it that you went to" I asked her because I'm most definitely gonna have them roll some cameras for me and imma do the same at Megan's work place

"Drew's" (I made up some restaurant💀)

"Mmm okay baby well from now on check your surroundings Megan and I'm serious and call me immediately or text me" I told her serious

"Okay baby I know I just be thinking you be busy okay please don't be mad at me" she said whining this girl is really a big baby

"I'm not you should know I could never be mad at you I just want you to be safe okay" I told her and she nodded her head

"Now let's get out this tub"


Beyonce ?

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