Part thirty two

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Megan's pov

3:45 am

Every since Silayah been here I don't sleep heavy as I used to due to the fact she may wake up and start whining or something

We have a baby moniter in her room so we can see her

I woke up out of my sleep when I heard some rambling going on

So I shook Beyonce to try and wake her up "baby.... Baby.... BEYONCE" I screamed her name due to the fact she wouldn't move for nothing

"Yes yes what baby" she said in her sleepy raspy voice

"I think someone is down stairs baby go check" I told her

She got out of bed lowkey taking her time mumbling something "what you say ?" I asked looking at her

"Nothing love" she spoke as she went down stairs

Beyonce pov

I made my way down stairs as Megan asked me to

only cause we have a child here and cause she was gonna cuss me out

And her hormones is everywhere now so I don't even wanna deal with it

I hear movement coming from the kitchen as I slowly creep in there.

And it was .....

Silayah I let out a loud sigh which scared her

"H-Hi momma" she said stuttering because she got caught

"Baby girl why is up" I asked her going over to her seeing her sitting on the island with the tub of ice cream. lord this girl loves some damn ice cream

"I didn't wanna wake up you or mommy so I tried to come get ice cream myself" she said tryna sound innocent

"Ok but it's almost 4 in the morning baby you don't need no ice cream right you know ice cream will make your tummy hurt... how bout you get ice cream tomorrow for dessert"

She started whining a lil bit but I was not finna have her up eating ice cream Megan would kill me because she's lactose intolerant

"I know I know but mommy isn't gonna like you eating ice cream right now"

I put the ice cream back in the freezer I don't even know how she got to it

And picked her up and took her in our room

She instantly got up under Megan and cuddled up under her stomach

Just like me when I need to sleep I just go lay on her stomach

"She was in the ice cream wasn't she" Megan asks me I just nodded my head and crawled in bed

Megan stomach is really getting bigger now day by day

Lay in the ice cream at 3 am🤦‍♀️

Beyonce ?


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