Part Seven-teen

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Beyonce pov

October 29 (the night of the party)

I was getting ready to leave out not knowing what's gonna happen tonight

I just know I'll come back to Megan in one piece hopefully

Walking out of my closet and saw Megan laying in bed not even moving to get ready or nothing

"I thought you was going to the party" i said to her because now I'm confused why isn't she going after she nearly cussed me out about it

"Too much weird shit lately and I don't feel like it" she said

I didn't even what to think but then again she's not even the party type of girl I just don't know why she begging me to go if she wasn't gonna go

"Okay well I'll be home soon I love you" I said walking up giving her a kiss

"I love you to and stay safe do you here me" she said in a serious tone grabbing me

"Okay I will I'll see you later" I told her leave out the room making my way outside to Dave's car

"Damn nigga what took you so long damn had my ass thinking you was setting me up or something" Dave dramatic ass said

"Man sthu and go" I said "fuck you, you already done forgot about a nigga since you met wifey. Hell I haven't even had a conversation with her or nothing and yo ass already in relationship with her" Dave said

We always was protective over each other and people we pick for are partners but as Dave can tell Megan was different

I haven't let anybody around her I'm not tryna sound selfish or nothing I mean I am but ain't you know

She's just something I feel like I shouldn't have to share, something that's mine

Istg if she ain't carrying my seed then I ain't ever having children or nothing

"She different you know I love her. I know I was talking about ready to meet the one and settle down and it came quicker then I thought" I told him

"Shit I knew she was special the first time you laid eyes on her" he said looking at the road

"But enough about me what's up with you and her Bestfriend jt ... mhmm I see how you only go to spikes for her and I see her messaging you" I told him

"She just a friend for now" he said smiling

I just hope she know he ain't shit well she might be ain't shit as well but may be competition for Dave hoe ness but that's not my business

We finally arrived to the club

"Already let's round everybody up through wire call and stay close ok" I told him touching my wires

I was talking in my ear telling everyone where to be and what to do

Marcus pov

I watched as bk walked into the club the whole time I been here I haven't saw that fine thang she had on her arm

But let's see if the bitch really loyal imma have one of my girls walk over and flirt with her

I've had my team watching people and moving in on things mingling and acting normal no cap

Spikes always be bumping shit even police officers be here at this bitch but ion care this bitch dies tonight

Jt pov

Your girl finally getting her pov on things but enough about me

"Bitch he's here and she just arrived I see some bitch tryna holla at her but she looks piss off ............. Bitch I think she threatened her or something cause she running off looking scared" I said talking to Megan

Yes I was on the look out for my bitch so I was on the phone with her giving her tea after I found out the info she needed and what's planning ofc im watching her girlfriend and her surroundings for her

luckily I had on a costume dressed up and I know peoples faces well due to this tech shit I downloaded in some glasses even if they did wore mask only thing I had to do was touch a button and it was over with

Cardi was watching the cameras for us and Megan was had come in bed until I call her when shit pop off

Everyone had a plan here tonight and so did we only us three knows (cardi, me, Megan)

And we all know the snake of it all over jealousy and this just started

So this should be interesting but my girl Megan is damn near a whole house wife now hopefully she have fun with what ever happens

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