Part Eleven

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Keith POV

I've been watching Megan for almost a year plotting to get my bitch back but now I see out here she with some tall brown skin girl 

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I've been watching Megan for almost a year plotting to get my bitch back but now I see out here she with some tall brown skin girl 

Man this bitch don't even like females in that way so refuse to believe they was together

That was until I saw them walking on the beach kissing in holding hands

Megan thought I beated her ass bad before oh just wait because I know this bitch ain't giving MY pussy away to some

Bitch she just met Megan knows she belong to me I guess she ran because she wanted to play games with me but she never came back so I went and found her

And as for that other bitch idk her name but I do know she so called dangerous but I don't give a shit she won't be breathing for to long anyways

But imma get Megan when she at least suspect it which is now I'm outside of her house and I watch every move she make through the windows

I've been doing this for months and she never noticed

So now is my time she's about to head to bed I knew her schedule so well so I know this plan was perfect

A few minutes passed and I knew she was asleep

I creeped up to the window to let myself in but the bitch was locked but luckily it was the window on the other side of her house she couldn't really here that much

So I bust the window in and climbed in

Megan's POV

For some reason tonight felt really odd but I just brushed it off and continuing to do what I was doing

After I got done with my stuff I finally went to my room and turned the lights off and went to bed

A few minutes later I felt myself drifting off until I heard a big boom like glass breaking

Which caused me to jump up and grab my phone and Instantly call Beyonce

I called her 3 times no fucking answer SHIT

i tried my best to hide but I guess my breathing gave it away once I head a voice

Not just any voice a voice I never wanted to here again I immediately started crying quietly trying for him not to hear

I said text Beyonce multiple times no response yet now I don't know what to do

A few minutes later I felt the door swing open not. even wanting to look up because who knows what's next


"So bitch all these years you thought you could get away from me" he said has he grabbing my hair dragging me out my closet

"Keith stop please stop" I begged and begged then he started to hit me

He then took my head and banged it against my wall has but I screamed for him to stop that didn't work

He then took his gun out hit me with it over and over again

"You giving my pussy out to random bitches now Megan Ight bet"

I just let him do it no fighting back or nothing I just let him do he wanted I felt so weak

I just wanted Beyonce

Last thing I heard was a bang before I blacked out .......

Keith attacked Megan

What will Beyonce do?

Keith ?

Megan ?

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