Part twenty one

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"Huh" I said cleaning my ears out because I don't think I heard right

"I have a baby" Megan said again so my ears was right

"What you mean you got a baby" I said "who is it by? Huh where is it?" I asked getting kinda upset

"This is why I didn't wanna tell you now" she said with tears running down her face

"Speak Megan I wanna know EVERYTHING" I said getting loud while she just crying

"It's a lot" she said crying with her hands on her face

So I pull her into my lap to comfort her

"Well the year I got away from Keith and I came to LA I found out I was pregnant only people that know about the baby is cliff, jt and cardi. Keith was to dangerous and I couldn't raise a baby so" she stopping talking some more and cried

"So due to Keith craziness and me knowing I couldn't raise a baby once I had her I gave her up for adoption to a lovely family and I guess til I could get back on my feet and she's 2 now" she told me I just kissed her face

"Listen everything will okay alright I don't think you a monster you did what a mother would do you knew you couldn't raise her right and then you had Keith to you didn't know what to do so you gave her up I'm not mad okay" I said to her

"Let's go eat and after go to bed" i said as she got up from my lap and walked towards the kitchen

I guess I'm gonna be a momma soon

"But baby question what's her name?"

"Silayah Amour Reels" she said kinda smiling and I could tell she was feeling guilty which she shouldn't

"Okay" was all I said

The next morning

Megan was still sleep as always and I just finished working out now I'm headed to the shower and leaving out I have some very important things to do today

After I was finished with my shower and did my hygiene and put my clothes on I made sure Megan was still sleep

After I was finished with my shower and did my hygiene and put my clothes on I made sure Megan was still sleep

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I walked up to her and gave her a kiss then walked out to start my day

Last night Megan told me what adoption center she's in so I'm going to the center to see her if possible and some more information on this little one

45 minutes later I pull up to the place and walk in go to the front desk

"Hello how may I he- omg your Beyoncé Knowles how can I help you ms Knowles today" she said m

"I'm here to get information on a toddler and if she's here I would like to see her" I said she asked for her name so I gave it to her

Luckily she was here they said her adopted parents had passed so now she's stuck here until someone comes for her

I walk to back with the lady going over the papers for her and she was just like Megan shy, sensitive, quiet a happy person, isn't allergic to anything and she's sweet

It's most definitely Megan's child well our child now

There she goes she said pointing to a little girl reading a book

There she goes she said pointing to a little girl reading a book

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She's so adorable

I walked over to her "hey little one" she just looked up at me and smiled

"Hi"  she said back aww im in love "how are you today?" I asked her the lady also said she was very advanced to be her age

"Umm gwood I'm reading a book right now are you my new mom?" She asked me I mean I wasn't gonna lie to her

"Yes I am but I can't get you today I'll get you before Christmas and I'll take you to your real mommy" I said to her face lit up so bright when I said that

"My real mommy omg you know her" she said looking at me surprised "yes she's my wife" she just smiled

"Does she love me?" She asked "yes baby she does that's why on Christmas Eve we are gonna surprise her with you" I told her

"I can't wait" she said after that we just started talking and building a bond up im so ready to take her home and I just met her

I honestly don't blame Megan for nothing this is a fresh good start for the both of us I found her birthday was in July (July 16th), her favorite color is purple, she loves books, dolls, and unicorns and animals in general

Now I have to plan her room and play room for her but Megan can't know


I'm gonna time skip to December because I'm thanksgiving nothing took place besides Beyonce going to visit lay, bk being reckless, and megan taking care of the house

Aww Megan had a baby girl 🥺

Beyonce met her but didn't tell Megan

Silayah ?


Beyonce ?

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