Part seven

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Anonymous pov

Boss so what's the plan ??

We are gonna do this fast and quickly because if we just keep waiting and someone notices who knows what could happen but not now

Ok so the plan is just wait and not wait right ?

No what I'm saying is we been stalking her for weeks now and y'all stupid asses made it noticeable and she saw y'all so there for now we gotta lay a lil bit low

Okay so what are we gonna do when we get her?

we just give her to Keith my beef is with Beyoncé and Keith wants Megan

So is that why Keith been stalking her for months now it's September the end of September now he been watching her since NOVEMBER

that has nothing to do with me but if Keith get her before we do then oh well

Because while Beyonce is looking for her we can just get her and its a win for us

Beyonce pov

I know Megan probably thinks I'm avoiding her or something but it's not that it's just I have people after me as always but now they are gonna come for her

Which I already know one of them already planning to and how do I know

Well let's just say a lil birdie spilled it

But I already told megan if someone is making you uncomfortable tell me something tells me

Something happened on her little lunch date with her friends but she isn't spilling I see

Speaking of Megan she right here cuddled up under me

Megan pov

I believe it's finally time to tell Beyonce what my ex did to me


"Baby" I said softly "yes" she responded

"I think it's time I tell you about my ex" I told her sitting up "I'm listening"

"Okay well ..... I met him back when I was only 15 he was like 17 at the time but We didn't do anything when I was that age in the beginning he was all kind and nice and caring but once I hit 16 I let him take my virginity and everything thing from there changed" I said on the urge of tears

" after that there was times were he wanted to have sex and I wasn't in the mood he would beat me and beat me so bad there was times I was in the hospital for months and there was moments when he would beat me and then start taking my clothes off and just ram his self inside me and wouldn't stop sometimes he was so rough I would bleed... but once I turned 18 everything got worser over the years I tried to run but he caught me he would tie a rope around my neck and choke me to death and beat me" I told her balling in tears

"He would drug me and I was also staying with him so there was nowhere to go and he said if I would tell he would kill me. He never cheated he just abused me and make feel insecure about myself then he would try and shower me with expensive things" i said still crying and her comforting me

"Then when I said turn 21 I ran and ran until I could and this happened back in South Carolina I some how ending up here in LA and I haven't looked back since" I told her

"Okay okay that's enough I heard enough you don't have to speak anymore" Beyonce told me

And after that she lay down and put me on her chest and I went to sleep

Beyonce pov

Yea this mfka gotta die FAST

so after a while I text Dave and he got the information I needed on this bitch

Seems like the people is still anonymous

But will Keith ever make an appearance?

Megan's story on her ex


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