Part Two

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Nobody's POV

Beyonce was staring so hard at megan grinning Megan kinda got scared but she knew she had to do her job so she said "excuse me" 3 times til Beyonce came back to reality

"Aye umm my apologies but umm what's your name" Beyonce said to the tall girl

"Um my name is Megan , how can I help you today ma'am" Megan said sweetly . Once Beyonce heard her say that she instantly got hard at the sound of her voice

"Well ms. Megan can I get 3 shots of whiskey and your number" Beyonce said boldly

"Okay I'll have your shots coming shortly" ignoring Beyonce asking for her number. Beyonce lowly chuckled once she realized she was turning her down. she was never turned down before and that made her want Megan even more

"Here you go ma'am enjoy"  Megan says handing Beyonce her shots "thank you love" Beyonce said before giving Megan 1000 dollars "you do know it's only 60 dollars right?" Megan looked at confused wondering why she gave her this much.

"I know keep the change mi amor" Beyonce said to her before quickly downing the shots and walking away leaving a confused Megan

Beyonce Pov

Yeah I gotta get her and I gotta get her fast before anybody else does Beyonce thought to herself but before she could think anymore some group of girls walked up to Beyonce making her groan immediately "hey bk withcho sexy ass" a girl had said making Beyonce irritated already "man gtfo somewhere bitch I don't want none of y'all nappy headed ugly ass hoes" she said already to kill a bitch

"But baby" the girl said getting ready to touch Beyonce.

"Man move bitch" BK said pulling her gun out but not tryna cause a scene and mostly likely not tryna let Megan see what she's doing... but after the girl and her friends saw the gun they instantly started running away

Dave walked over to me and see what I was doing but his dumb ass already knew because his ass came over here grinning and shit "aye sis you straight" he said lowly giggling " man gtf out my way" she said making her way over to the rest of the gang

"Aye wassup bk" cliff said as soon as he seen me "you just the person I need to holla at, can we go somewhere private and told real quick"

"Yea wassup come on" he said leading me to his office "aye b listen I don't need you pulling guns out on people here Ight man. Ion want you to get in trouble you know everybody be up in this bitch now" he told me

B:"Ight man listen I respect that but Ian come here to talk to you for that shit"
C: "okay wassup then"
B: "I wanna talk to you about one of your workers"
C: "Ight now see jt isn't available for what you tryna do now man"

I looked at him confused because i wasnt even thinking about a stripper it's that fine ass bartender I'm finna get

B: "nigga I don't wan NONE of your strippers it's that sexy ass bartender I see"
C: "who you talking about meg?"
B: "yea I asked for her number and she turned me down" *he chuckled*
C: "man idk about that okay she just isn't my bartender okay now, she young and smart and has been through a lot okay . She not something to play with"
B: "I'm not even on that type of timing I was on when I was in my 20s okay. Cliff man can you just tell me a lil bit about her"

Clifford wasn't so much worried about none of his workers except for meg and jt due to the fact that he knows what they been through and basically took them  they was like his nieces but he kinda saw something in Beyonce when she was talking about her so he's gonna tell her some things about her

C: "already listen she's 24, she lives by herself, she has no kids, she's shy and sensitive, and honestly if she wasn't working here she would be dead due to her abusive ex but that's not for me to tell, and honestly I asked her about her future she says she would like to be a house wife and I think she wants kids and the rest is for her to tell
B: "well how do I get a date out of her?"
C: "well I can't answer that but she can just don't scare her"
B: Beyonce chuckled getting up "oh I won't, thanks tho" she said heading out

I had to find Dave tell him I'm leaving but I once I seen he was all over that stripper I think is jt I just leave out and go to my car but stopped once I saw ....

Megan POV

My shift was finally coming to end so I walked to back to get my stuff and leave and saw my friend talking to me.

M: "hey girl" *smiling and giving her a hug*
C: "bitch I saw east and bk up in here"
M:"who?" I said tiredly
C: "omg bitch I forgot you don't be knowing shit"
Also Cardi
C: "but they was in the private sections bitch and jt was all up over east but bk got up and left tho then she came back and left with Clifford but now I think she gone"
M: "okay what's so good about them?"
C: " girlllll don't you know bk is one of the most well THEE MOST DANGEROUS person shit in the world she can make shit shake better than the president" she said laughing
M: "mmm well I hear you girl. I'm finna go I'll see you in 2 weeks bitch I love you" *hugging cardi*

Once I got outside I felt like I was being watched I wasn't liking that then I saw someone who kinda look like my ex but maybe my eyes was playing tricks on me idk

I then made it to my car and heard somebody say "hey megan" which I recognize the voice ...... that tall girl

"Umm hey" I said shyly looking down "you okay" she said lifting my chin up making me look at her and when she touch me I kinda jumped but then I felt waters fall down there for some reason

"Y- yess I'm okay thanks for you asking tho" smiling a lil bit at her "mmmm why you turn me down earlier in there?" Honestly it wasn't that she was a female or nothing I just don't pay attention to that stuff and plus. done I heard people ask for me give them my number I just ignore it "honestly idk but you want my number and I don't even know your name or nothing" *bk chuckled* "well my name is Beyonce and I run big a business and I'm intersex and my favorite color is black and now can I get your number" she said smiling big at me .. "I guess".

Megan's outfit

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Megan's outfit

Beyonces outfit

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Beyonces outfit

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