Part six

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Megan pov

It's been a few weeks since Beyonce stayed the night I haven't heard from her much for the past two days I'm kinda worried about her

But I guess since she's a mafia leader and does lots of business she's probably busy

Anyways, right now I'm out with my girls cardi and jt just catching up on what's been going on with stuff

"Sooo Megan" cardi said dragging my name
"Yes girl" I said to her

"What's been going on with you and bk" she said grinning but I was looking confused because I never told neither one of them that we had something going on

So how does cardi knows "wait a fucking minute you talking about crazy ass BK like coldhearted bk, the one that will kill a bitch and don't care who's around bk, light skin and tall bk" jt said surprise

"Yes that bk" cardi said "Megan when tf y'all started talking and when was you gonna tell a bitch about that" jt said as I sat there quietly

"Oh bitch she got bk sprung and you know bk only care about her self bitch she got bk whipped around her finger, shit bk even got a picture of her in office and she telling everybody that's her lady & she got a picture of them on her Lock Screen " cardi said

Her and jt was still going back and forth but my thing how does cardi knows that

"Cardi how tf you know all of this" I said to her lowkey irritated "Megan omg you really don't be knowing shit bitch"

"Bk is my other boss, girl I mentioned about having another job so many times" cardi said

"Well bitch you know I don't care for your damn crazy ass antics" I said back

"Shit ask bk can I get a job with her or something I can be a tech person y'all know I'm a pro when it comes to getting info or hacking" jt told both of us

"Shit I'll see but Megan you hit that yet" cardi asked me which I knew was coming

"I mean we just gave each other head that's all Beyonce said she wanted are actual first time to be romantic" I told them

"Awww" they both said making Megan kinda blush

"So rate the head hoe" jt said "mmmm broke the scale bitch the best head I ever got, I tapped out a few minutes later her ass had me creaming, squirting and cumming back to back bitch I didn't even know I could do all that

"It's about time yo ass got some no wonder you not so damn mean now" they both said which caused me to  mug them

We been here for almost 2 hours because we was mainly talking & lost track of time

But things was starting to get odd when I saw this guy and girl just staring the fuck out of me like I just felt them burning a hole into my body

I know Beyonce said if I ever felt uncomfortable tell her but maybe it's a coincidence you know

But I before I could even pick my phone up I see someone that was close to Beyonce I believe one of her bodyguards

So after I seen him I kinda got comfortable but I was still ready to go

"Y'all ready to leave yet" trying not to sound worried or nothing like that

"Yea you good girl" they asked me because they know me so well

"Yes I'm okay I'm just ready to go that's all" I told the girls

So after that we left and went are separate ways


?: yes boss we see her she's with some girls

?: Good ..... keep a eye on her

Oop who could that be ??

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