Part eight-teen

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Beyonce pov

The night of the party pt2

I was talking to cliff as always until my cousin Layla came up to me

"Hey bk" she said hugging me and touching me I hug her back and move her away from me

For some reason she's always been very touchy and I wasn't feeling that at all

"Wassup I'm not that surprised to see you" I said to her after she was the one who spilled marcus plan why idk why

"Look I think he's gonna strike any moment so be ready ... and I love you cuz stay safe" she told me

She's weird but that's family I guess but I spotted jt in the corner of my eye not even paying her no attention

she was up to something but Dave is here so maybe she's watching him I guess

Layla pov

I know y'all probably wondering why I'm helping bk well that's because I want marcus dead myself I mean anybody does tbh

And I have my eyes on someone special and I can't get them if Marcus is here

But I wonder where Beyonce little ms girlfriend was at

Even tho Beyonce is my cousin and marcus wants her girl he can kidnap her I don't care much for her I mean I don't know her

So she's not much for me to worry about

But now it's time for the war to star

Jt pov

Out of nowhere i here shots going off so I run to my hiding my place I have set and text Megan and cardi that's it's time and I watch from there cardi saw everything on cameras

Beyonce pov

Everybody ran out the building but me I just standed there waiting for marcus but I was shooting when I saw people coming at me and every bullet that came my way missed not even surprised

My team and marcus team was just busting back after back rounds with each other til fights started breaking out then they just disappeared from nowhere

"Beyoncé Knowles" I heard a voice say " I've been waiting for you" I said turning around to face him

Right now it's either do or die I knew I was gonna have to fist fight him before we either pulled a gun out on each other

"You think you little ms perfect huh, walking around here with MY MONEY AND SUCESS" He said yelling

"Is this what's this about money and fame?" I asked this shit was so childish

"Oh no no it's deeper than that you killed my father and a few days ago yo bitch ass killed my brother" he said

"Who's your father?" I asked him "Derell fate"

That name is the same name that killed my father so it's fear trade i guess a family vs family hmm

"That's okay because I killed yo momma and now I'mma kill you" he said catching me off guard hitting me

He missed and I fought back with him it's like I knew all his all his moves sets

All my hits connect while he's stumbling after the last punch I gave him I heard something move which gave him his opportunity

To slam me into the ground knocking all the wind out of my body at the moment

I couldn't move or nothing I just heard him talk and clock a gun back

Which had me thinking and playing memories in my head of me and my loved ones it wasn't that many, the memories I had with Megan

"So now it's your final goodbyes bk" marcus said laughing "tell your parents I said hey and when you die im gonna take your little bitch and make her mine" he said

once he said that all my angry came I blacked out

Nobody's pov

Beyonce did a kip up taking her leg kicking the gun out his hand causing it fall. Beyonce picked it up and it was over from there

*pow* *pow* *bang* 20 shots later....

Beyonce was standing over his body holding two guns in her hands

Watching all her crew members pop out even jt came a out and cardi which Beyonce didn't know was still in the building

"Clean this up" Beyonce said throwing the guns

"Omg cousin that was so amazing I'm glad you for rid of some much dead wait" Layla walked up to me and said

Looking at me weirdly in a romantic matter getting ready to kiss me

*bang bang*

Blood splattered on me from Layla head as I watch a dead Layla hit the ground I look up and see ....


Well isn't this something😳

-Megan caught a body

-Dave and jt?

-Beyonce found out who killed her mother and killed him

-Megan ?

- Beyonce ?

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