Part forty

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Megan pov

We enter the party and everyone was cheering for us

Silayah hid her face in Beyonce neck cause she saw lots of people staring at her

But we made it over to our sitting area where the parents of the baby sit

I looked at everything surrounding me and saw the decorations, food lots of food ... You know I love food

I saw the game boards

Beyonce aunt was walking around putting stickers on people asking them was they team boy and girl

And I see lots of team girls cause people say the "girls" talking about me and lay keeps Beyonce calm and steady

Cause they didn't want to see a boy version of her

I don't think I do either but Beyonce is crazy but not that crazy she turned that way after experiencing trauma

Our children will not go through what we both went through from our pass I refuse to have it happen

But Beyonce is an amazing mother hell, without her I don't even think I would've gotten Silayah

"What you thinking about" Beyonce asked me

"Our new life" I told her smiling while giving her a kiss

"Aye wassup bk" her loud ass homeboys came over to us

So she went to go entertain them I just roll my eyes cause they all so irritating and greedy

"Meggy" cardi said to me giving me a hug and rubbing my belly "hi auntie baby" she said talking to my stomach

"Girl it's finally time" jt said "I know I'm just ready for it all to be over with"

Everyone knows I never wanted this reveal I just agreed to it cause Beyonce kept asking and begging

Beyonce pov

"Beyonce" I heard my aunt call my name, I turned and look at her

"Go make your wifey a plate" she told me "okay"

I went over to megan who was eating god knows what "what you want to eat"

"Umm it doesn't matter" she told me which I knew was a set up cause she so picky now

I went over to make her plate I made her simple plate macaroni, meatballs, and chicken

I took her plate back to her "here you go"

"Why so much meat?" She asked if looks could kill she would've been dead cause you literally just said it doesn't matter

"You said it didn't matter" she looked and closed her eyes

"You know what never mind thank you" she said taking the plate

And kissed her forehead and sat beside her

"You ready to know what we having" I asked her

"Yea I guess so" she said biting her chicken

"Momma when can we do the reveal?" Silayah asked me mind you I haven't seen the girl every since I put I her down

"Lay where have you been?" I asked her cause she been missing for a minute now

"I was playing" she said running away

Few hours later ....

"Alright everyone it's time" my aunt said gathering everyone up on the microphone

And my uncle walking out with a big balloon

Me and Megan got in front where she told us to stand

And gave me the balloon

"Alright everyone counting down to 5"









It's a ....

*bang bang bang*

Nobody's pov

Before they could pop the balloon guns was fired

Hitting Beyonce

Once Megan looked over and saw bey hit bad she ran over to her not even caring about the shots being fired

Cardi grabbed Silayah and ran away

Beyonce pov

"Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce ...... get up yonce" I heard Dave tell me as my eyes came hoping

I was in a hospital bed "Megan" I said

"Dave where's Megan ?" I asked him

He looked at me weirdly

"Bey whos that ?" He said to me

"What" I said

"Bey you've been in a coma for 2 months now ... you've been probably had a hallucination dream that felt real
and wasn't ... Beyonce there's never been no Megan" he told me

Wtf ..... happened


I know y'all probably mad at me at how it ended but in reality Megan and Beyonce never even crossed paths before 🤷🏾‍♀️

The book is officially over 🤭

I finally completed the first book I ever wrote ❤️

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