Part Nineteen

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Beyonce pov

"Baby wtf are you doing here" i asked worried because she just killed somebody

Most importantly why did she kill her, do she know something I don't !? Wtf

Megan walked up to me slowly then kissed me in a deep kiss

"Y'all is one crazy ass couple WTF" cardi said

"See I told you I wasn't sensitive" Megan said to me which caused me to laugh because I didn't ever expect her to kill someone

"Why though" I asked her pointing to a dead Layla

"Baby she's a jealous ass snake, her plan was for you to kill him then somehow she'll make me disappear so she could be together with you ... she has this weird romance obsession with you, hell marcus wasn't worried about you like that until she kept mentioning everything you was doing which I guess triggered him " Megan said

I just shook my head I should've known something up when she didn't leave

"Are you okay though you got slammed a little bit hard" she asked me

"I'll be fine but we all need to go home before the police show up" I said grabbing Megan's hand and getting the keys out her pocket

"You can't drive your hurt" she told me I just shook my head and headed to the back door of the club

"Oh and cliff" I said getting his attention "I'm sorry for your club I'll-"

"Nahh it's good I was shutting it down after tonight to be remodeled anyways" he said smiling

"Alright man well I'll see you then" I told him walking out with Megan by my side

The ride was quiet on the way home when we finally arrived we both went to go take a shower it was still quiet

Until I wanted to mess with Megan

Nobody's pov

Beyonce walked over to Megan's side of the shower and grab her waist kissing her neck

"Babyyyy" Megan said whining "what you doing"

"You know what I'm doing" Beyonce said making her down to Megan's clit rubbing it making Megan moan softly

Beyonce slipped two fingers in Megan pumping in and out of her

"Ohh fuckkkk daddy" Megan moaned causing Beyonce to speed up

After Megan came 2x Beyonce turned her around and picked her up pinning her to the wall

Kissing Megan passionately then back to her neck leaving hickeys on her chest and titties

"Beyonce shit" Megan moaned she Beyonce adjusted Megan in her arms then slid right into her

Which caused Megan to scream catching her off guard pounding into her fast

"Fuckkkk daddy" Megan moaned "who pussy this is?" Beyonce said as megan was too busy moaning uncontrollably

Since megan didn't respond b speeded her paste up only thing at the moment you could hear was moaning and skin clapping

"It's yours FUCK ITS ALL YOURS DADDY" Megan screamed

Beyonce felt Megan about to cum because she kept clinching around her dick "hold it" b said

"I can't baby shit" Beyonce felt herself twitch

"Fuck cum with me" Beyonce said after they came together and she nutted right in Megan, her body started twitch which now she was on her 6th orgasm

Beyonce put her down then made Megan touch her toes as she stuck herself back into her pounding into her again

3 rounds later they finally made it to bed .

Beyonce was looking at a peaceful Megan sleep in her arms all this was surprising to her

1. she didn't expect Megan to kill someone

2. she thought after Megan killed her megan would feel hurt or regretful but she wasn't hell Megan didn't even care

Layla plans ?

Megan ?

Beyonce ?

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