Part four

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Beyonce Pov

I finally pull up to the address cardi gave me which I hope is right but it was like a 30 minute drive from the club but a 10 minute drive from my house (I have more than one house but this place was close to my main house so that's good)

I finally pull up to the address cardi gave me which I hope is right but it was like a 30 minute drive from the club but a 10 minute drive from my house (I have more than one house but this place was close to my main house so that's good)

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Megan's house

I get out my truck and knock on the door a few minutes later I heard someone come to the door "who is it" I heard Megan say "it's me" she opened the door with a surprised look on her face "Beyonce w-what is you doing here"

" I stopped by the club to surprise you but you wasn't there so I thought I'd stop by" I said nervously I'm never nervous for ANYBODY but her its different shit I'm scared to say the wrong thing around her

"come on in then" I walked in her house it's so detailed and decorated so well, I mean mines was to but I like her house better everything seems so at peace here

"You like what you see" Megan asked me "yes yes I really do" . Megan really didn't have any family photos showing much they was just mostly her

"Since your here what do wanna talk about" she ask me leading me to her couch "us" I say truthfully "Beyonce look we literally just met not to long ago let's just go where the wind take us okay"

" okay but is there anything serious that I should or something" I asked her which made her think "see well I have a crazy ex but I haven't seen him in years so I don't think he'll be a problem but I haven't dated nor did anything with anybody every since him"

"What's his name?" Tryna not to sound angry because it's that ex that cliff and cardi was talking about "Keith" she say softly "Keith what?"

"Keith author" she tells me "okay" is all I could say but imma tell Dave about him and do some research on him

"Is there anything I should about you?" She asked me "imma mafia leader" I tell her nervously because what will she think about that "so you like kill people and stuff" she asked sounding innocent

"Yes but I wouldn't dare hurt you in a dangerous way" I could tell once I said that she looked relief once I said that. we already knew tiny things about each other due to the fact that we always call or text each other

"Okay so let's watch a movie" she suggested she turned on some movie about two girls pranking a guy online which caused him to kidnap all of them

1 hour later...

I could really do this every night and day with this girl and never get tired of it

we in her room and her bed is pretty big but she just wanna be all on me i don't mind with her though which is crazy because I hate clingy people well I hate people in general except her . She sitting on top of me with her face buried in my neck but she tryna start something cause now she all grinding into me and shit

"Mmmmm Megan don't start especially something you can't finish " I tell her groaning into her ear while she kissing my neck and my lips  "ok if  start will you finish daddy" .....

To be continued 😏🙂

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