Part Thirteen 

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Beyonce POV

7 hours later ....

We was still here in the hospital. Clifford, jt and cardi came quickly they asked me questions which I expected

But I was to upset to say anything so Dave did I felt to guilty to speak

I just wanted them to tell me she would be okay that's all I want

The doctors sooner came in and said that she was okay her ribs are bruised and so is her face and she has an concussion

But thankful nothing serious

After this is all over she not going back to her place it's obviously not safe so she'll move in with me rather she like it or not I'm not letting nothing else crazy happen to her hell no

And if this get even more out of hand she isn't gonna be working anymore and I mean it

The doctors said she gonna need bed rest for a bit everyone was currently in the living room because the hospital rooms is like an apartment so I'm just in the room watching Megan

She hasn't woken up yet the doctors keep saying she will but I need to hear my baby's voice

5 minutes passed of me holding her hand and crying silently

"Baby" i heard her quietly say which caused me to look up " your awake now" I say finally smiling

"I am now I'm just in a little pain I'll be fine though" she said which caused me to look away making me bring all the guilt back

"Baby it's not your fault" she said squeezing my hand which made cry even more "yes it is I wasn't there to protect you when I should've been"

"No baby your life doesn't evolve around me you have a business to run you can't be there all the time for me" she told me

"Megan you don't get it" I said "I made a promise to you and I didn't own up to it now you in the hospital because of the bitch"

"I forgive you Beyonce and you should forgive yourself now when can I go home I'm wanna go home and lay down"

"Oh we'll go home alright" I mumbled

The doctors walked in and ask how was she feeling you know doctor stuff and they told her she could leave but she must stay on bed rest

She wasn't to happy with that but she was most definitely gonna listen though I promise you that

Soon jt and the rest walked in "bestieeee" jt said I let them have there little moment while I pulled cliff to the side

"Cliff listen I didn't mean for thi-" he cut me off mid sentence

"Bey it's not your fault I don't blame you calm down I should've known that damn boy was gone try and find her sooner" he says shaking his head

"Oh okay and another Megan have to be on bed rest so she's not gonna be working right now" I told him which he already figured "and if things get more out of hand I'm pulling her out of work. she won't be working there anymore if so she'll just be a housewife " he just nodded

"I've been waiting for her to move on with her life I just didn't think it would be like this but it's understandable" he said

Everyone finally left so now it's just me and Megan again getting ready to finally leave I get all her things she need and help her in the wheelchair and push her to the car

The whole ride she was just quiet and looking out the window until she realized I wasnt taking her to her place

"Beyonce where are we going?" She said "home baby we going home" I said she looked at me then just went back quiet

"Beyonce where are we going?" She said "home baby we going home" I said she looked at me then just went back quiet

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We finally got home the butlers immediately came out and help

I carried Megan to our room and put her on the bed and next thing I heard was light snores I just covered her up and kissed her making my way to the other side of the house where that bitch was

What y'all think gonna happen to Keith?

Next chapter is a 2 week time skip


Thoughts on Beyonce taking Megan "home"




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