Part thirty

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Beyonce pov

Every month Megan will leave the house and not say a word and kinda be sneaky with her phone on things I don't wanna accuse her of cheating but something it's up

"Baby can we talk in my office real quick" I tell Megan who was sitting on the couch with a hoodie on. I've been noticing she's been getting real thick lately

And her boobs are getting way bigger I'll Address that later with her

She walked off the couch holding her back walking to me as I walked to my office

Lay was with my aunt right now getting spoiled as usual

We get to my office and I close the door behind her And go to my desk and sit behind it as she sat in front of it

"Wassup" she said

"Why have you been so sneaky lately Megan is there something you need to tell me or something wassup" I spoke to her she just looked away from me

"Baby listen I've been going through alot no I'm cheating or nothing it's just I'm not ready to tell yet okay that's all" she said looking back up at me in my eyes

I stand up and grab her by her arm pulling her softly to me placing her own my lap

"Baby you know I'll support you on anything okay ... just communicate with me" I said kissing her

And y'all know what went down after that

Megan pov
New day (morning)

I'm finally gonna tell Beyonce that I'm pregnant

I've decided that imma just place this cute little thing I made last night and place it on her desk for when she gets up

As I'm currently cooking breakfast something sweet and simple for us since lay isn't here she'll come back later on

As I'm currently cooking breakfast something sweet and simple for us since lay isn't here she'll come back later on

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I heard foot steps coming and knew it was Beyonce as I felt arms wrapped around my stomach

"GoodMorning baby it's nice to see you up this early" she told me I chuckled because I've been slacking on my wifey duties

That's what jt and them love to say since I don't work and just stay at home

"I know right now go sit down so I can bring you your plate" as I answer

"Gimme a kiss first" she spoke I turned around from what I was doing and gave her a kiss because I knew if I don't she'll just be leaning on me

Telling me how she thinks I don't love her and other shit in the morning I swear Beyonce can be a baby sometimes she even get lay in mix I just shake my head I them both

She walked and smack my ass once I turned around "baby why do you have to smack my ass so hard in the morning tho" I said whining

"I'll kiss it later" she spoke knowing she'll do more than that

I brought her plate & drink to her to where she was sitting and placed it down as I went back to grab my plate

We ate and had our simple conversations as usual then if we was both finished

Now I already know Beyonce is headed to her office once she puts are dishes away

"Baby you know where I'm head just yell my name if you need me" she told me giving me a kiss I just nodded my head

Going into the living Room to watch tv

I made this board thing that said "you are promoted" with my test I took and when she lift it up it will be my ultrasound in a envelope dated from oldest to newest

I made this board thing that said "you are promoted" with my test I took and when she lift it up it will be my ultrasound in a envelope dated from oldest to newest

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Beyoncé pov

I was walking in my office over to my desk but then I seen something that said "you are" something I get close and I see what it say with two pregnancy test on

I gasp "omg" this has to be some joke ain't no way Megan actually pregnant. I pick up the box and see three envelopes under it and I open them all and see

Ultrasounds "Baby" I scream holy shit it's real

Megan walks in over to me "it's real baby" she lifts her stomach up and I see a little bump I should've been noticed

I just instantly drop to my knees standing in front of her crying because I'm really about to be a another parent but starting from the beginning this time

Like this is our blood baby together Silayah is my daughter also but this baby I created

"Baby don't cry" Megan said rubbing the back of my head as I lay on her stomach it's probably I've been attached to it lately

"I didn't think you would've been this happy but I'm almost three months don't be mad at me for not telling sooner I just didn't know how" she told me

I stood from my knees and put my arms around her stomach "it's okay I forgive okay but make sure I'm there for the rest of appointments and all this just put all my clues together I mean your mood swings, weird eating and you getting even more thick ma" I said

"Oh wow.... Now I'm gonna let you finish your work imma be in the room sleep I love you" she said to me giving me a kiss as she tried to walk away but I held her back and lifted her shirt to kiss my seed

"Okay now go" I said she just shook her head wait til we tell lay


I'm Beyonce is excited for the baby

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