Part thirty nine

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2 months later

Bey pov

Me and Megan has gotten way closer then before we was on vacation together

We've come to agreement on how we wouldn't hide stuff from each other and etc

Megan was at home sleep while I took silayah out for a bit

"Mama so when are we gonna have the big celebration for the baby?" Silayah asked me looking at some 4s in the mall

"In a few days baby, aren't you excited?" I asked her

"I'm always excited for things !" She said looking at me handing me the shoe

This girl can run your money up like Megan I swear

But I wouldn't change the way my life is for nothing I have a amazing soon to be wife,  the perfect daughter and another one on the way

I wouldn't ask for a another life even if I was given one

I want this forever and to be my chosen one

"You ready to go lay?" I asked her cause I know Megan will probably be wondering where we at by now if she's up

"No let's gets some more stuff for mommy" she said skipping out the store

I looked at her crazy cause I was already carrying a lot and she wanna shop more as if we haven't went in every store

I even bought me, her and Megan something to wear for the gender reveal coming up


The gender reveal

The gender reveal

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Megan pov

We decided on a cute bee them reveal due to the fact that's it's now spring time

"You ready baby?" Bey asked me caring Silayah on her hip

She has her spoiled rotten but that's okay cause when my son get here he gone be a mommy's boy fasho

"Mhmm" I said rubbing my stomach

We headed to the car to the get in to head to the destination

Beyonce pov

Once we got here it was a lil packed but not so packed here

We didn't want that many people here plus we don't mess with anyone like that

"Let the party begin may we" i said to Megan as we got out the car

Short update but it's something

The reveal is happening 🥳

Beyonce ?

Megan ?

Silayah ?

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