Part three

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One week later ....

Beyonce POV

It's been a week since I saw Megan in person I mean she did give me her number so yea we've been texting and calling each and stuff

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It's been a week since I saw Megan in person I mean she did give me her number so yea we've been texting and calling each and stuff. But idk what it is about that got me hooked to her but I just want to always talk to her

But as of right now I'm here at the club(spikes) with Dave we just got here and I'm already ready to see Megan so I just leave Dave he'll find his way with his slow ass

So I make my over to Megan's normal section but I don't see her which kinda made me upset I mean i didn't tell her I was coming because I wanted to surprise her but she's not here

"Hey excuse me" I say to the girl that's working the bar "yes how may I help you?" She says back "is Megan here today" I ask her "no Megan isn't working tonight, do you want a drink for something?" She asked me "no, I'm good thanks though" now my whole day is kinda ruined I thought to myself

*knock knock*

"Come in" I hear "hey wassup meth" I say to him "bk Megan isn't here she's not working for 2 weeks so she'll be back then. If that's why you here" he say to me "well I see you later then. Bye"  I say leaving the room

Once I make my way to find Dave I see Cardi and I know cardi could tell me something I mean me and cardi have history and when I say that I don't mean by dating or nothing sexual she actually works for me she seduces and drug some stupid ass guys for me to get work done

"Cardi" I say getting her attention "wassup bk what brings you here, Dave?" she say

"Hell no I mean I came with him but ..... I was actually here to see this sexy ass girl" I said kinda blushing

C: "is that BK I see blushing" she said playing with me
B: "man don't start, but you think you can give me her address or something"
C: "wait hold on who we talking about?"
B: "Megan the bartender"
C: "hell no bk"
B: "why she already gave me her number when she was lastly here okay ..."
C: " oooh okay . But why should I give you her address, I mean she just not a coworker to me that's my home girl"(only reason she could get any of her coworkers address was because she was some what sleeping with cliff but neither of them will ever admit it tho)

B: "okay" she said not caring
C: " no bk, I'm not gonna let you just use her for pleasure she's different. She's not just into that stuff a hit and quit it no bk"
B: "omg cliff already told me okay, it's something about her okay I'm not even on that type of timing right and out of most people you should that okay. The first time I saw her I felt something , something special and different okay .. cardi please just help me okay"

Beyonce said literally begging atp

"Well since you over here sounding like a damn simp and whatever I guess I could help you out but first" cardi said

Almost 30 minutes later ....

Cardi was still talking on and on but I listened because it was about Megan but she was just saying everything cliff said so idk

"But here's her address it's 682 pine Lake drive"

"Okay thanks I'll talk to you later" b said

"Okay boss" cardi said walking away

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