Part six-teen

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Megan's pov

The party is tomorrow and I honestly don't even know if I wanna go now after I over heard Beyonce talking to Dave and her crew about what Marcus had planned and I had jt do some computer work on things about this Marcus guy

And turns out Marcus is Keith older brother I knew he had a brother I don't even know if Beyonce knows their brothers and I don't want Beyonce to know

That I know what's going on because she already doesn't want me involved on things

"Hey baby what's wrong why so deep in your thoughts" Beyonce said which caused me to look up

"It's nothing" it really wasn't even about the whole party stuff it's something else

"No it's something talk to me" she can be so demanding sometimes

"I said it's nothing" I said getting loud a lil bit

"Wtf is your problem and it's not about that wack ass party either" she told me I got up ready to walk out the living room til she grabbed my arm forcing me to sit back down

"I don't wanna talk it right now okay... enough things has happened I don't wanna speak on it right now" i said bursting into tears and finally walk away

Beyonce pov

I don't what's for Megan so up tight lately I'll get it out of her soon

So I'll let her figure out whatever she got going on but right now I have to come up with my own plan

What could be Megan's problem ?

Beyonce ?

Megan ?

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