Part fifth-teen

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2 weeks later ....

Megan's POV

"Im going and it's final I don't care what you say Beyonce I don't care I'm not gonna sit around and hide  for some people I don't care" I told Beyonce standing in her office

She really thinks I care about some people watching me after what my ex did to me I don't care and I know Beyonce killed him already so I don't understand what's the problem

And plus I work there

"Megan you just don't get it okay there are people after me which mean there coming after you" she said

"Well train me then Beyonce train me how to fight properly, how to use a gun the correct way" I was serious I'm tired of being blind sided with things

"Megan there's really nothing I need to teach you your just sensitive but I already know you get dangerous" she said

Why does everyone keep saying I'm sensitive when I'm not I just have feelings

"I am not sensitive okay" I said whining about to burst in tears

"See your about to cry right now" she said getting upset walking towards me picking me up

taking me to are bedroom

I've been in bed for the LONGEST I just watch tv and buy things online that's all I do besides eat

I wanna party and Beyonce isn't letting me go to the Halloween party at spikes so I'll just sneak out then and I don't much for party's all I just wanna go somewhere tbh

Beyonce POV

I knew Megan was gonna wanna go to that party but it's to much happening with me right now and it's gonna effect Megan in some way so I don't wanna have to go through that with her

as for keith he dead

Flashback: I walked into the basement and saw him tired up bleeding out where I shot him at with a bag over his head I walked up to him and took the bag off

"so you thought it was okay to fuck with her like that huh" I asked him before he died I just had to know why . Why did he do what he did to her

"Don't worry about all that now if you gonna kill me then just do it ... cause after I die you gone die to" he said laughing I could care what he said about me dying that wasn't possible

So I just took my knife and started stabbing him over and over again causing him to scream

Luckily no one could here

"Now you see how Megan felt when she was being hurt every fucking second" thinking about what she said he did to made me even made

So I took my chain saw and started cutting him limb by limb I watching as he died slowly but it was to slow for my liking

I took my gun and blew his brains out and walked out covered in blood I took a shower in one of the guest rooms because I didn't want Megan to see me like this after that I went to the room and laid down beside her and went to sleep smiling

Flashback over

So he's not my problem anymore

my problem is with Marcus I know about his little plan to the party and I don't want Megan there

But she's hardhead I know she's gonna go there some how I can just only pray for the best

Imma just have to call cliff and tell him since it's his club

Oh and how I know let's just say one of his little workers is my cousin not my real cousin but cousin

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