Chapter 3

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We sat in silence, the only sound that could be heard was Alex typing on his keyboard and the clock ticking every seconds.
After a while, Alex stretched his body and shut his laptop.
"I'm done, call me if you need anything, I'm going out later." he said before going upstairs. Benji and I keep staring at out own drinks. Until I broke the silence,
"If you're sleepy, you can go ahead. It's very late now."
"No I'm fine, just drink your cocoa. I'll put a diffuser later so you can sleep well." he washes his cup.
"I think I want to stay here a bit longer, please, go to sleep first. I'll go up my own, its not like my feet isnt useful anymore." I laugh.
"Don't think that you're a burden okay? Our parents are friend, so you're my friend. I'll go up first, but I'm not gonna sleep yet. Promise me you'll yell my name if something happens okay? Don't call someone else." he brushes my hair and went up. I throw away the cocoa into the sink, I can't drink milk. I wash my cup, put it back on the counter, and limp to the back door. A few months ago, I saw the benches and swing at their backyard. I wanna rest there. I sit on the bird nest swing, I lay in it, swinging and humming. If I do nothing, I might think of it again. So I just sway back and forth till sunrise. Birds start chirping, I finally fall asleep. I didn't have a dream this time.

7.30 am
"Rey? Why are you outside without a cover? It's freezing. I look all over the house for you."

"Five more minutes... Then I'll get up..."

"You can sleep as long as you want, but not outside. Benji is worried sick." he mentioned Benji. Isnt the one carrying me is Benji? I opened my eyes, it's Alex. He's already carrying me into my room.
"Sorry, I didn't think I'd fall asleep outside, I must be heavy.."
"You're not heavy." he replied coldly. He must have hate me being here..
"Let me down, I can go up myself." I tap on his shoulder. He shake his head and now we're in front of the room. Benji was standing by the bathroom door. Knocking on it. The door was already opened, he didn't realise we got in.
"Benji what're you doing?" I asked. He look back so hard.
"I thought you're inside? You wouldn't reply, the door is locked. I thought you fainted. Where were you?" he rushed to my side and put me on the bed.
"I fell asleep outside, sorry.. Alex saw me and woke me up." I took the blanket and cover my whole body, sitting on the bed. He didn't see that I'm shivering, thankfully. Alex went out right after, didn't even made a noise.

"Maybe the door jammed, I'll tell Steve later. Our dad and your mom is filming in Miami, you knew that right?" I nodded.
"Okay, do you want to go home and get your things? You're staying here for awhile, I don't mind buying new clothes for you, but I don't know whether you prefer your own things or not."

"Sure, let's go later. Can I sleep for a bit now?" I asked him, although I doesn't have to.
"Yeah, want me to stay?"
"I think I'm fine, it's bright now. Hopefully I can sleep tight, heh"
"Go ahead, I'll be in my room next door. Here's my phone number and your phone. I forgot to tell you that the police found your phone on him. I changed my number a while ago, text or call me when you wake up."
He left. When he said 'him', I remember that there's a box of pictures.. I took it out from my bag and arranged it in order from the earliest to the latest date.
5 minutes passed and I found out that he was a good stalker, his pictures are clear, I didn't know I was being stalked if he didn't exposed himself, except for one photo, it dated before I start taking acting class, it's from 3 years ago. Only this one was 3 years ago, others are from a year ago. The me in the picture was at school, I'm tying my hair up as I stand besides the curtains. He's someone from my school.

I didn't even see his face clearly, but I think i know who. I take my phone out and put all of the pictures in date order inside the box back. I don't know who I should call except my mom. I speed dial, it rang for a few time but she didn't pick it up.
'Hey mom, I'm at Uncle Joey's house, his sons taking care of me. Please send my thanks to him. But if you can, please call me back. I've sent you the picture of evidence. I was stalked for three years. The stalker got taken away by the police now. I think I want to send this box to them. Take care mom.
I push the button send. I hope when she receives this message she would call me. I know she's always busy but I only have my mom. I hid the box inside a cabinet and lay on the bed. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep as it's bright. But it's cold.

I woke up, my throat feels hoarse. I look around but there's no cup or water around. Benji said I should text or call him when I wake up. Should I? It's 12 pm now. Maybe I should? No. I don't want to let them do everything for me. I need to be strong. I slowly open the door, checking if there's anybody around. Luckily there's no one so I successfully managed to go downstairs.
In the kitchen, there's Alex,again. He saw me limping and went to give a hand. He asked if I want anything and I said water. Did that seems too cold? I don't know. Once my throats not dry anymore, I put the cup away and wishes to be in my room back.
"Hungry?" he asked.
"Not really.."
"I have juice box and fruits candy." he shows the small container next to him, its filled with candies. I loves sour candy.
"Any lemon flavour?" I sneak a peek. He chuckles and tap on the chair next to him. I didn't even get to take a step, a hand tapped me from behind. It made me flinched but I turn around as quick as possible. It's Benji.
"Good afternoon, feeling better?"
I nodded and take the seat next to Alex. I searched for the lemon flavours candies in the container, Benji still standing there, making a confused face. Alex is focusing on his laptop.
"Can I take one more?" I asked.
"Take all if you want" Alex reply.
"Just one more is enough, I like sour things." I took another piece of lemon candy. Alex nodded and I left the seat empty.
"How long have you been awake?" Benji followed from my side, holding my waist to assist me going up.
"Just now, I got thirsty and Alex offered me candy!" I showed him the candy before popping it into my mouth. I smiled and hum.

"Let's go pick your things up. Steve want us to meet him at the police station later." I stop humming and nodded. I knew I have to face him again. I didn't think the police do their jobs that quickly. I put his hand down, "I'll knocked on your door after I finish getting ready." I smiled at him and locked the door.

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