Chapter 11

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As expected, the clock shows that it's 12 am now. I'm in my room, wait... Didn't I fell asleep while watching TV? They must've carry me up. The room smells fruity, I check around and see my shirt, has dried smoothie. It's sticky and smells. I took of the shirt and took out another shirt in the closet. Before wearing the other clothes, I made sure to take a shower first.

The warm shower rains in the bathroom. I wash my body, shampoo my hair and brush my teeth. Then, the phone ring for a second. I've always take my phone into the bathroom so I checked the message. It's from the stalker. It's a photo of the bathroom door closes. I gasp and accidentally push the bar. A glass bottle fell and broke on the bathroom floor. From the camera direction, it's seem like a straight view... Is he right outside? It's 12.30 am, if I call Alex he'll come right? I wrapped the towel to my body.

The bedroom door is suddenly knocked, making me shocked and pushing more bottles to the ground. "Rey you okay? Can I come in?" it's really Alex!
"Come in!" I could hear the door swung open but other sounds "Can you unlock the door?" he asked. I unlocked the door without stepping on the glass, and Alex came right in.
"What happened? Are you dizzy? Are you hurt?" he holds my face.

"When you come in, is there anyone inside?" I asked in whisper. He look confused.
"What're you talking about? No one except you in the bathroom. Tell me what's wrong, did you hear someone?"
I shake my head and give him my phone.
"Did you take a photo of your bathroom? Why?"
"No, look at the sender." I holds him before closing the door.
"No caller id? Wait, is someone outside when you're in here?"
I cover his mouth to make him not raise his voice.
" I don't know.. There's no sound at all, and suddenly he sent this photo and I got shocked and broke the bottles.." I shivers from the cold air.

" Let's get you out first, come." he put my hands around his neck and carried me out.
"Wear your clothes first, I'll turn around." he examines the photo and walked to where the photo points. It's the vanity. The only thing on it were my makeups, my books and a doll bear that someone gave me long time ago.
The doll looks straight at the bathroom door.
" Are you clothed? " he asked.
" Yeah.."
"Then look here, your doll. Where did you buy it from?" he turn around and sit next to me.

"I got it, around 2 years ago on a fan signing event on my mother's premiere. The gifts were compiled into one room and this doll were the cutest out of all the fake flowers.. Why?"
"Can I break it? No... I will buy you a new one tomorrow. "
He said as he rip the bear heads off. A couple of wires were attached. He took the eyeball out and step on it till it breaks.
"There's a camera in here. Luckily it's facing that way, so he can't see you 24hour. But, he must have seen you in your towel everyday.." he said.
I close my mouth, "What do we do now..?" I asked.
"Turn off all the lights. Use night mode camera to see if there are any red blinking light. Be careful not to fall." he told. Its 1 am now.
The complete darkness scares me as I use to sleep with night light now. I tug Alex's clothes. He turns around and asked "Wanna wait outside first? I'll check around. Head out." he opens and push me out of the room. The next minute, he come out.

"There's no more hidden camera, you can come back in." he holds his hand out for me to take. I follow him in and he lays on the bed. "Sorry.. More trouble.."
"Hey no, don't apologise for things that aren't your fault. Let me see your feet." he point.
"Why my feet?" I roll the pants up. He lift it up to his thigh.

"You said those bottles fell, so if there's a cut, there might be glasses in it." he checked both thoroughly. "You're good."
Alex covers me with the blanket, tucking me in.
"Where are you going?" I asked. He was about to get off and laughed. "To my room? Need anything?" obviously.. I shake my head. "Goodnight, Alex... Thanks for tonight, even though its late." I lay on my side, facing the other part of the room. The door closed. He left. Again, I'm alone. All I could do is cry. "I'm not strong enough.." I whispered.

"I knew it." his voiced in the room. I immediately get up and look at him. Turns out, he didn't get out. "Jerk." I cry more.
"I'll always be with you. Don't cry, you look ugly." he pats my head and lay next to me.
"Stop staring.." I told him
"Maybe I will, if you can lay back." he smiled. I lay right next to him, so close that his should might be my pillow. Taking the chance, I put my head on his chest.
"Are you a cat?"
"Shut up." I shut him off. Minutes pass and I could hear him breathing. So slowly like he is asleep. How easy for him to sleep in this position? 2am became 3 am. I couldn't fall asleep even when doing nothing except breathing. I move silently so that he won't wake up. The 3am moved to 4am. Till the sun finally peek through the curtains, Alex woke up and saw me, facing him.

"Good morning, when did you wake up?" he asked. His morning voice is so attractive..
"Can't sleep again?"
"Yeah.. When I close my eyes, it feel like the world is spinning."
"Want me to stay?"
"No, you'll be late, go now." I get up and went down. I boil some eggs and toast some breads. The table are set. I try to make them eat breakfast everyday, it's an important meal. The maple syrup and honey are ready on the table, they can choose their condiments themself. Alex always go to college early so I left the kitchen and go upstairs. Just as I try to take a sleep, the door swung open.
"I'll be going now, see you later. Sleep well." Alex smiled and closed the door.
Not long after, Benji shouts from the kitchen "Thank you for the meal!" The car engines fades till the house is empty. The sunlight make my eyelids heavy, I turn on the radio and fall asleep.

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